Labyrinth-Something highly intricate or convoluted in character, composition, or construction.
Yes,this group is very intricate,with lots of mysterious members appearing one by one,surely curiosity will kill you with their charms as they make the hearts of the fans go wild.
Are you interested to be a trainee and join Labyrinth? Do you have the guts and confidence to be on the history of KPOP and to reign the industry? Well,come and join this group!
Fansclub name: Ariadne
Fansclub color: Mint Green
Debut album: --
Debut song: --
are you interested to join? next page sa form. c-:

Labyrinth; SM Entertainment's New Mixed Gender Group
Teen FictionSM Entertainment,one of the biggest money maker company in Korea,decided to form a mixed gender group after Red Velvet's debut success. A one of a kind group with 12 members,overflowing with charisma not just to satisfy the fans but to rule and reig...