Calissta And Alexander🌸

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Calisstas pov:
After i was brutally taken away from my family , we were sitting in a pub full of other men away from my home , i was given a hood to wear and i was sitting between golge and abdul pasha , i hate him so much but not golge I don't know why , i am looking around trying to find ways to get out of here all of the men sitting here had swords with them so if i steal one and stab Abdul pasha maybe i can run away but i can't just stab someone that's a sin , i look up and see abdul pasha looking at me and then passing me the bowl of soup i pushed it away and then he said :" as you wish hatun but know this there will be no food for the next few days " , i took the plate back and dropped all the soup and plate on the floor and then people looked at our direction i didnt want to waste food but i wanted a way out , after i knew some people were looking i said loudly : " what are we doing here eating food , you kidnapped me , when are we gonna go to Istanbul " , abdul pasha roughly grabbed my face and said in a threatening whisper : " dont you dare say anything or i will cut your tongue of like golge hatun , and don't you dare say anything about Istanbul or the palace , they will have our head off" , that's it i was done , i just wanted to get away from here and go back to my family , so i jumped off the seat and started shouting : " Help ! Help! Please help they are going to kidnap me help please " , nobody even cared like , i was just a mere object , abdul pasha came and roughly grabbed me by my neck and started dragging me out of the place and to the palace , that's it , i will say they kidnapped me and are going to take me to the palace , then i said : " They are from the palace , the sultan sent them from istanbul" , that's all it took for the men to take out there sword and started killing the agha's who came with us , turns out this plan didn't work and now people are dying because of me , oh god please forgive me I didn't mean for this to happen , abdul pasha gave me to golge and ordered her to take me out of here , she started dragging me and also fighting the men and when we finally got out one of the men caught up to us and started fighting Golge , so i took this chance and started running towards the depths of the forest , trying to get as far away from all this possible one of the men started chasing me so i screamed at the top of my lungs for someone to help me but no avail .

Third person pov:

On the other side of the forest the janissaries army was finding a spot to camp for the day , this was for the new boys who were training to be a professional janissari , when one of the boys heard a loud scream so he stopped looking for the source , because of this the whole line stopped and one of the boys asked him why he stopped , but the boy whose name is Alexander ignored him and asked the captain if he heard it too , then another scream , and that was the last straw for alexander he started to run towards the forest , meanwhile callista was running for her life , now the man has finally caught up to her and started to grab her , callista quickly got a log of the wood and hit the man but it only made him angry and he slapped her as hard as he could , the impact made callista fall to the ground he then grabbed her by the hood and started dragging her she started shouting saying : " leave me alone or " don't touch me " when Alexander finally reached the destination and saw the man dragging the girl he quickly threw his hat infront of them and the man got confused , seeing this alexander whistled to grabbing the man and Callistas attention and then Alexander took the same log as callistas and hit the man hard making him faint , callista was now almost on the verge of crying when Alexander looked up to see the girl his breath hitched , this was no ordinary girl , she was like a goddess even though she was crying and not wearing nice clothes he was still mesmerized by her , now he had a stronger urge to help her and get to know her he didn't know why he just did . Getting out of his trance he slowly approached her but she got scared and said : " dont come near!" , even her voice was like a angel he thought he slowly threw the log away and then gave her his hand saying in an almost whisper : " i won't hurt you take my hand and we will go somewhere safe" , somehow callista felt safe towards him and hearing him say that she instantly put her hand in his outstretched one , alexander noticed how delicate her hand was and how she was shaking from fear besides that callista was thankful towards him and gave him a small smile , Alexander's heart skipped a beat when she smiled at him they both started running towards the camp.

Magnificent Century Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora