Her smile faded but why?

Avu:- um..he..he..

Sid:- i am her...(i was cut off by her)

Avu:- he is my friend.

I looked at her with shocked face.before i can say anything she held my hand and made me sit beside her.

Avu:- come here i will introduce you.

Avu:- he is my best friend bhavesh balchandani.

I looked at him and fake smiled obviously.

Avu:- we know each other from childhood.

Bhav:- yeah and we are gonna marry soon.

I widened my eyes and looked at her with shocked face.

Avu:- he's joking dont worry.

He was joking fucking idiot no FUCKING JOKER i wanna punch him now.first she is calling me friend and he is continuously flirting with her and she is flirting back.

Bhav:- you lose so much fat on and you grew more (he said smirking)

I didn't understand what he is talking about wait he is talking about her... He's fucking gone i wont leave him.

Avu:- yeah but you are still tiny from everywhere (she smirked back )

I laughed and he was little embarassed. She laughed and ruffled his hair man why she has to do such things with him.

Avu:- i am coming with snacks wait.

I saw her going towards kitchen.i immediately stood up and held him by collar. He is fucking so small i just held him and now he is in air already.

Sid:- you fucking little piece of shit.HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH HER

Bhav:- wth leave me you idiot

I punched him in face he screamed.

Sid:- tell me what is your relation with her?

I said glaring him.he was scared.

Bhav:- she is just my friend man.

I left him and he adjusted himself.

Bhav:- wait why do you care do you love her?

Sid:- its none of your business ok just stay away from her.

Bhav:- you are no one to tell me what should i do?


Bhav:- i wont(he said glaring at me)

Thats it.i held is collar from one hand and i was going to punch him when i heard someone yelled.


i left him quickly and looked at her.she came towards me.

Avu:- what is going on Siddharth.

This is the first time she called me by my name.she is really angry. That idiot ran towards her and hide behind her.

Sid:- uhh...i dont like him.

Avu:- and why is that?

Sid:- because he is continuously flirting with you and he said cheap things to you i dont like it.(i said gritting my teeth and glared at him)and how can he call you doll and he also hugged you fucking prevert.

Avu:- he said to me not you. Why the hell you were trying to hurt him.

Sid:- what!!? You are taking his side. First you are calling me friend infront of him and now you are taking his side why?

Mafia queen's babyboy (18 Plus)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin