Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV

Takemitchi went to the back to get changed when I finished he started he ruckus outside so went to see what it is. When he saw what it was his eyes widened with shock and fear. He stares what he saw and wondered, "How did they find out I worked here", and yes you guys guessed it, it was the Toman. They noticed him and called out to him which made him scared and ran to the back to grab his stuff and ran out using back door of club. These made the boys run out using the front door trying to catch up to him but when they got outside there, he out their eyesight. Of course they could find out when he lived, but he only has little things known about because he hid things about him just in case the happened. (a/n: smart boy)

Mikey's POV

Damnit he got away again why is hiding from us I dont get it.

Michi's POV

That was close one they almost got me again. You might be wondering why I'm even running from them in the first place well it's because even though I them a lot I dont want my kids to get involved in the things they do. Its dangerous and my momma instincts dont want them coming him hurt or br kidnapped or anything like that. I know probably won't under the protection of them but I'm not gonna risk it either. Let's just hope they won't ever find out where I live cause then I wont be able to hide from them anymore I dont have anywhere else to hide from them except Hina's house but she lives with Emma since shes her wife, so I probably wont all that safe hiding there. "Im tired and want to sleep" I thought and I went home. I got home, locked my front door and took off my shoes, I didnt even bother to change just immediately went to bed from how tired I was.

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