Notes in The Dark

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Monday 28 December 18:00

I'm not sure how long humans are supposed to stay sane without human interaction but I've been doing alright so far I think. The silence is much worse anyway.

The initial shock of it all was extremely unnerving though. After the panic attack and near mental breakdown I sat down determinedly, pen in hand and started writing down what I knew about this whole situation.

Observation 01: Almost all living organisms in this city have vanished overnight.

People, animals and insects are all gone. I'm not sure about microscopic organisms yet. The only other living things left behind are trees, grass and most other plant life. I'm not sure how flowers and such will survive without other living organisms aiding them in pollination and such. I'll watch and see.

Observation 02: Everything else seems to be as everyone left it.

Cars are still in their driveways and some doors to houses are open as if someone just stepped through the doorway.

Observation 03: Electricity is not running, phone lines and the internet are not working.

Street lamps are dead, phone lines just beep and browsers greet me with dead webpages. None of my contacts are responding and my phone won't charge. It's practically useless now.

Observation 04: The sun did not rise this morning.

Does this even count as a morning? It's been at least nine hours since I've woken up and it's remained pitch dark outside. The sky is still completely covered with clouds so no stars and moon can be seen.

Observation 05: The wind is gone.

I haven't felt a breeze kiss my face or heard the rustling of a gust through branches since I woke up. The weather is showing no signs of changing.

Observation 06: There is no sound.

No birds or crickets chirping, no engines rumbling, nothing. The only sounds are the ones made by me. It all sounds much louder than it should. My footsteps on gravel, my breathing, the sound of this pen scratching on this paper, ringing in my ears; and the drumming of my own heartbeat. I can feel it in my head.

It all seems so wrong. I want to shrivel up inside myself and just disappear. The only thing keeping me sane is this watch. Thank God that it's digital. I would lose my mind from analogue ticking.

And I can never forget my trusty flashlight making this all possible. I would be stumbling in the dark if not for it. I'll look for some batteries later, I can't risk it dying.

I think I'll spend the rest of this 'night' gathering my things so I can explore outside the city limits tomorrow. I don't know if this is some sick prank, emergency evacuation, or mass alien abduction but I will get to the bottom of this.


Tuesday 29 December 07:33

Last night I went to bed at ten-ish. Or tried to anyway. My heartbeat was unbearably loud and I was hyper aware of my bodily functions. The sound of swallowing saliva, my breathing, snoring, and worst of all my heartbeat. The constant drumming in my head.

All my things are packed. I filled my car with various foodstuffs from the local supermarket as well as batteries; lots of batteries, some portable lamps and more flashlights. I don't think that counts as stealing.

Normally my conscience would bother me but right now I'm actually feeling good about this, excited even. It feels good being prepared. I have this all planned out. I've got some spare tires in the back, some jumper cables and first aid. And I could always hop into someone else's car if need be. That dread of yesterday seems to be gone for now.

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