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Do-san's POV

"Chul-san ah get off me you're pissing me off " I let out as I felt someone touched me by my shoulder tucking myself back into the bed "Do-san ah geez seriously I thought you're a morning riser" my eyes widened as I heard a female's voice I tossed and saw Dal-mi "Dal-mi ah geez seriously how did u end up here" I ask annoyed burying my head onto the pillow "hey what do you mean how I ended up here I should be the one asking you that question this is my house , you're at my house" Dal-mi said "hey don't embarrass me" I said "Do-san , you're awake" Mrs Choi said "Mrs Choi" I said startled jumping so full of startlement that I fell off the bed "hey you're at our house but since you're my granddaughter's boyfriend I let you stay" Mrs Choi said "hey , what happened exactly how did I end up here? I ask "Do-san ah u got drunk last night I have no idea why u did that then I came across you and you seemed drunk so I sent u home as its time Chul-san and Yong-san are probably asleep already" Dal-mi said

Dal-mi's POV

"Hey! Why did you kidnap me, were you  abduct planning to me? I'm getting the cops" Do-san said "hey! At least I didn't leave u at the bar or at the streets'' I said "you're right , thank you , I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight" Do-san said scratching his head "thank you for not abandoning me" he continued "jeez seriously how cld I leave you stranded? You're my boyfriend" I said "I'm sorry I forgot I'm your boyfriend , thank you , I'm grateful , I'm grateful that I'm your boyfriend" Do-san said "gosh let's have breakfast and head to work already we're almost late " I said "alright I'm going to tell Mr Han what happened that fact that I sleep at your house" Do-san said "gosh seriously all u want to do is piss Mr Han off" I said "hey why are you up so early, hey! Whose room did I sleep in why did I get such a comfortable bed that's so unlike last time , last time i only got a mattress hey tell me the truth" Do-san said "Hey Do-san ah you slept at my room , I slept on the sofa" I said "hey why did you do that? This is ur house not mine" Do-san said "because you're my boyfriend" I said Do-san just blushed "jeez seriously stop that" Do-san said "get a room you two" mum teased

Yong San's POV

"There you two are ? hey why are you so late we have no ideas?" I ask both Dal-mi and Do-san who just walked in the office "hey! Do-san what's up with the smile on your face? You're late there's nothing to be happy about" Chul-san ask "Yong-san ah , Chul-san ah I finally slept at Dal-mi's house last night she even gave me her bed" Do-san said with a blush "what? Really? Seo Dal-mi ah is he telling the truth?" Both me and Chul-san ask "of course as you know your friend never lies we even shared beds" Dal-mi said "hey! You said you slept on the couch" Do-san said "yeah I did after I laid down with you for a good 1 hour as you pulled me for a hug and you never let go" Dal-mi said"hey why did you seduce her?" I ask Do-san ask "hey! I'm innocent I'm her boyfriend" Do-san said "gosh seriously do you have to brag abt your girlfriend?" I ask "yes I do hey Dal-mi ah stay with me till the morning next time" Do-san said "hey let's just get to work" Sa-ha said trying to protect me I just looked at her and mouthed "thank you" 

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