Mittelt: So we have a literal god killer on our side?

Izou: She's neutral with us.....we don't mess with her and vice versa.

Mittelt let's out a sigh of relief hearing that.

I mean would you mess with a woman who made the government bend to her will?

Even if she is strong in her own right she couldn't compete with someone who killed a war god like it was nothing.

Mittelt: Well that's a relief.

Izou: Enough about that, let's get this over with so we can go.

Izou, Mittelt, Morgiana step into the Kuoh high school and apparently it was some type of school event that allows the parents to see how their kids were doing in school

He sees Sirzechs Lucifer and a man with black and blonde hair

Azazel, the leader of the fallen angels

And it would seem there was another young man with him with silver hair

Izou: Hey Morgiana-

Morgiana: Yeah, that's my rival it seems, wait who are those two....?

They see a man and a woman with blonde hair with a halo an bright blue eyes.

But Izou was glaring at the woman who standing there acting all innocent

It made Izou sick to his stomach.

Izou: (Gabriel.....the so called nicest angel in heaven, god's little fetish doll and the one who killed the entire human race because her daddy said so)

Izou: I'll be in the gym, being in her presence sickens me.

Izou leaves to got the gym but he he hears a student yelling


Izou: Wait?.....what the hell is going on? and who is this magical girl levi-tan?

Izou finally arrives a the gym and he sees something horrifying

Lady Leviathan in a magical girl costume.

What the hell is this?!

He shouldn't have came here today if this as going to happen!!

All of the students started to take pictures of her and she didn't seem to care.




Izou: (What the hell is this?! It's official!! I Have to leave the underworld as soon as possible!!)

Izou:The Kin Slayerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें