8 - Argument

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That might be uncomfortable for some people. Mention of dEath and other things. Please read at your own risk.

I put on my lipstick once more and check myself in front of the mirror.

The red dress and diamond necklace looks gorgeous on me. I spray some perfume and head downstairs to the living room.

"Taehyungaah I'm going now. I've made dinner and kept it in the fridge heat it up and don't forget to eat it. I'll be back by 11"


I had to go out for my business related works today. The meeting was going to take place in a bar so the outfit.

It was really hard to convince taehyung because of his overprotectiveness. I don't blame him. He was one of the most biggest Mafias in the city.

He was scared his rivals might attack me since I'm his weak point thingy.

I reached the bar I was supposed to and enter inside after showing my ID.
I look around and see my boss sitting there.

He was a good guy. 4-5 years older than me. I go towards him.

"Good evening sir"
I greet him and returns it with a pleasant smile.

We wait for sometime and the vips for our meeting arrive.

I got up and greet them. We talk about buissness for some whole but one of them kept on staring at me.

I ignore him. He must be around my age looking at his face. I started feeling uncomfortable. But I knew if I got up now, it can affect our deal.

I somehow manage it and the meetings over. I look over to the time on my phone but my phone was dead

I cursed in mind. I asked my boss for the time but he was wasted. I excused myself to go to the washrrom.

I went inside and did my buissness. When I came out I was greeted by that weird guy.

I just bowed at him and was about o leave when he held my wrist.

"Hey, wait! You're y/n right"
"Yes I am"

I said and try to leave again but he caught me again..

"Why are you in such a hurry? Got some plans eh?"

I looked at him disgusted. I asked my hands from his and started walking away.

He pulled me harshly and pinned me on the nearby wall.

"Wtf are you doing leave me!!".
"Oh baby. I can pleasure you better than him"

He said and roamed his hands all over me.

I was screaming and shouting for help but all went in vain because of the loud music.

I tried pushing him away but he was too strong. Tears streaming down my face and my makeup all ruined.

He kissed me forcefully and almost vomited on him.

I finally kicked him hard on his balls and ran out.

I took and taxi and asked him to drop me at my address. I soon as I reached my house I realized my face was a mess in the elevator.

I cleaned my face and reapplied my lipstick. I removed the smudged makeup from my face and tied my hair properly

Why? Because I know that guy won't be alive if Taehyung comes to know what happened. Why do I care? Because I don't want my Love's hands to get dirty.

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