Chapter 30 (revised 06/12/2023)

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Over the intercom, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to take your seat. Please hurry toward the middle and leave no spaces between you and the person next to you." Everyone started to take their seats. Soon you saw Lycan walk in and take seats on the outside rows, and standing in the aisle. Next, you saw elves standing on the upper tier holding their bows.

The judge walked to his high spot and spoke, "We had seven werewolves found guilty of kidnapping and raping. We found one werewolf guilty of attempted rape and kidnapping, and the 9th was just kidnapping. One of the nine has been prosecuted for the murder of Beta Zane and the attempted murder of Luna Victoria. Two were charged with assault and attempted manslaughter of their alpha, but those charges were dropped and changed to defense of their Luna. We have had two wolves come back and appear today. They are minors who did participate in the kidnapping. We need to decide their judgment today."

Jocelyn stood up, "The two minors, I do not recognize their scents. I will ask, given their age, that instead of prison that they be sent into a counseling program. According to the others, the youths left and flew back home. The main thing they are guilty of is not reporting it. Though one did sneak a letter in the mail announcing where  I was. However, considering who their family is, I can see why they were scared. While in counseling, they also get assigned community service."

She then sat down, and Luna Victoria stood up. "The last few days, I have dealt with several youths their age coming to me. Plus, she-wolves are coming to me. This morning I requested Alpha Jocelyn to put me in contact with her counselors. I want to set up a counseling facility in our area. Have the two boys be part of it instead of under Alpha Goliath."

The judge looked at them, "Have you talked to the alpha whose counselors are assigned to? Would they even be interested in such a task?"

Alpha Goliath stood up, "Counselors Marilyn and Cassandra are part of my pack. It was while Jocelyn was there that she was placed in counseling. I can assure you they would be willing to go and set up such a facility. I can even suggest a place where it could be set up. The abandoned storage facility where Jocelyn was found is next to an abandoned hotel that went out of business about ten years ago. I am willing to donate $100,000 toward renovations of the building. We turned the hotel into a counseling facility and the old storage facility into a youth center. The boy's community service could be to help renovate that building."

Then many others stood up and pledged anywhere from $5,000 to $250,000. Jocelyn teared up. They soon had $5,000,000 in donations and nine different contracting companies volunteering to do it at cost.

The judge stood up, "I hear-by approve the motion of the zSupernatural Counseling School and Youth Center. "

He then looked at the two young wolves, "You two are lucky to have two forgiving She-wolves to give you a chance. You will be assigned under Lycan Cerberus and report to him monthly. If any time before your 21st birthday you slip up, then you will be placed in the Lycan prison. If you stay out of trouble, these marks will be removed from your permanent records. Do you understand?"

Their pale faces looked at the judge, and they said, "Yes, sir." Then they looked at Jocelyn and Victoria, "Thank you. You won't regret it."

The judge said, "Now, onto the next part of the judgment. Please bring out the seven wolves found guilty. They came out. Their legs, arms, and necks were shackled to a moveable board. "They were sentenced to the maximum sentence. I understand that Alpha Sommers has requested not to witness phase one of the sentences. We did have others come forward after her testimony to state they also were raped by these men in their pack. Phase one of the punishment is these wolves will all be made into eunuchs. We will ask those who do not wish to be present for the part of the sentence to depart. We ask Alpha Jocelyn to report tomorrow at 10 am for phase two of their sentence."

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