The lights on the open terrace were off and they were going to get lit up only when Pete would arrive. Everyone except Pete arrived at the open terrace and saw the dark place. They thought Ping had played some trick on them and were about to retreat when Ping rushed towards them and asked them to keep quiet.

Pete arrived after some time looking all pretty. As he approached the area, he saw it was a bit dark. He felt that it won't be good to go further and decided to return to his room. But then the lights slowly started to get illuminated revealing a path that was covered in rose petals. He hesitated for a while but then finally took a step forward.

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As he started to walk, the path slowly started to get illuminated with each step leading him towards open space. His palms were sweating as he walked further. Finally, he was standing in front of a big heart made with rose petals and surrounded by candles. The air was filled with wonderful scent. There were heart-shaped balloons around the area. Also, there were pictures of him and Ae together hanging around the place.

Then he saw Ae standing in front of him with a bright smile. Ae knelt down in front of him with a box in his hand. As soon as he opened the box revealing the ring, there were four drones that appeared behind Ae holding the LED boards which read – WILL YOU MARRY ME?

Pete was left speechless as he saw how much effort Ae had put in to make him happy. His eyes were filled with tears as he looked around. He nodded in response since he felt chocked as he tried to speak. Ae extended his hand forward and Pete gently placed his hand into Ae's. The young boy then slipped the ring onto Pete's finger and got up to stand in front of him. He cupped Pete's cheeks and kissed him softly.

Cheers erupted from the crowd that was gathered at the corner watching everything. Pete looked around stunned only to see all their friends cheering for them. He felt shy and hid his face into Ae's chest. He never thought that Ae would propose to him this way. He was so overwhelmed that happy tears began to roll down his cheeks.

Ae wrapped his arms around Pete trying to calm him down. "Baby, I love you a lot. And I'll fulfill each and every wish of yours." Ae promised as he rubbed Pete's back soothingly. Small sniffles were heard as Pete tried his best to stop crying. After a while he pulled away and looked at Ae.

"I love you so much Ae. Thank you for this beautiful surprise." Pete spoke in between the sobs. By now, everyone started to gather around the couple to congratulate them. Ae had arranged for a small party since he wanted to celebrate this moment.

Everyone got busy enjoying themselves as the food and drinks were brought around. The great pervert now had a good opportunity to tease his friend so how will he step back? "What did Pete see in this stupid that he agreed to marry him? I am way more handsome than him." Pond said with an evil smile playing on his face.

"Who would prefer to marry a pervert like you? Comparing you and me, I am at 100 points and you are at 10 points." Ae retaliated. "Awww, Mr I-am-better-than-you, let me remind you that Pete had complimented me few hours earlier." Pond teased reminding Ae about what had happened earlier.

"That was because he didn't want you to die of heart attack in case you look at yourself in the mirror. You should thank Pete for saving your life." Ae shot back. "Yeah!! I should thank him. How about I giving him a nice compliment now since he is looking pretty? Well, I might also give him a flying kissssss." Pond said making 'o' with his lips imitating to blow a kiss. Ae's fist formed into balls as he tried to calm himself. Pond was enjoying the teasing as he saw the way Ae was reacting.

"Earlier, I just kicked you from stool, this time; I'll kick you from the roof." Ae said pointing towards the other side. Pond gulped as he heard those words but no way was he ready to give up his teasing. As soon as he saw Ae has diverted his gaze somewhere else, he just rushed towards Pete shouting loudly, "Pete!!! Save me!!! Your husband wants to kill me just because I called you pretty!"

Pete turned his head to look at Pond who was approaching him. Ae heard those words and ran behind Pond to catch him. Pond managed to get to Pete and then hid himself behind Pete's back shielding himself from Ae's wrath. "Ai Asshole, leave Pete alone or I'll seriously kick you from here." Ae hissed. "Pete, see what he is doing." Pond spoke trying to be innocent. "Pete, step aside and let me take care of him." Ae said moving closer.

Poor Pete was now sandwiched between these two friends who were not ready to give up. Tar who was watching everything finally walked up to Pete and pulled him aside letting Ae and Pond deal with their matter. The moment, Tar pulled Pete away, Pond ran for his life with Ae chasing him around. Everyone present there was laughing watching the two fighting like kids.

After sometime, Pond and Ae returned back with Pond's tie hanging half around his neck and half over his ear. His shirt too was half in and half out. Ae pretended that nothing had happened and walked straight to Pete.

"Are you alright Pond?" Tum asked looking at his friend who looked disoriented. "Remind me not to go close to Pete when Ae is around. He almost killed me." Pond groaned. Everyone laughed at the great pervert who just managed to escape his death.

The party continued with lot of cheers and laughter. Ping and Tar excused themselves and finally appeared after 30 mins with a naughty smile playing on their faces. Nobody knew where they had been except Ae.

Ae wrapped his arm around Pete's waist and pulled him along as they left the venue. Pete was a bit confused and looked at Ae who was guiding him towards the steps. "Ae, the party is not over yet. We cannot leave like this." Pete tried to remind. "Baby, all are drunk and Ping will take care of everything." Ae assured and then pulled Pete towards the stairs

They finally reached their room and Ae unlocked the door revealing the beautifully decorated room. Pete's eyes twinkled as he took in the view. "Ae, when did you.....?" Pete trailed at the end of the sentence as he was lost in admiring the decoration.

Ae closed the door behind, locking it before proceeding forward. He wrapped his hands around Pete's waist and rested his chin on Pete's shoulder. "I am so happy to have you in my life. This feeling of finally having you as mine and letting everyone know about it makes me feel so so so happy. Thanks Pete for accepting my love." Ae said and kissed Pete's shoulder while breathing in his scent.

"Ae, it should be me who should thank you for having loved me. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Every moment spent with you is like a beautiful dream that had come true. What else can I ask for when I already have you?" Pete replied.

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