A Cat Named Mr.Chubster

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Chapter 4

“So, how did your dinner date with your parents go?” Michelle asked me while I putting the books into my locker.

I shrugged my shoulder really not wanting to talk about it. It was always the same routine. They would be on their phones talking to someone or reading a latest business report. There was no point of those dinners if they were just going to work their butt off’s and not even care about me.

Plus, I knew they did not care.

“Oh my gosh Jan!” There with that nickname again.

I turned around to yell at the person “I am not an abbreviation for January. My name is Jancey.Oh hey Katie!”

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” I gave her a fake smile really not in the mood to deal with her.

Do you like the party?” I rolled my eyes and said it was okay.

“Thank you so much. So, do I get an invitation to your party?” I raised an eyebrow at her question. Who did she think she was to get an invitation to my party? It was exclusive.  I did not pay enough for her to slip into my party. It was an exclusive party for exclusive individuals like me and a few others.

“Sorry! Only VIP’s.” I felt her smile fall to be replaced with a frown. I could see her bright brown eyes water up and a little part of me wished I did not say those words. I am pretty sure she just wanted to go to the party because she knew it was exclusive anyway.

I walked away before purposely whispering “loser” into Abby’s ear and giggling along. I looked back to see her standing there like a lost puppy.

Why the hell does this feel like deja vu? I am turning into such a sappy person and am actually considering people’s feelings.

Something is wrong.

“So, when is your party?” I whipped my head and looked at Abby like she had three heads.

“What?” She said while pulling the a.

“You should know. You are like my bff.” She just shrugged her shoulders and made her way to her seat. So much for being a good friend. They should know they were the real losers.

"So, who are you going to punish today?" Asked Michelle.

I looked at her with an eyebrow raised and turned my smile into a sinister smile "it rhymes with fattie.She really need to knows her place. "

They let out a low snicker before diverting their attention to the teacher.

Halfway through the class, the so called “bad boy” Vincent Denim entered through the door with small blood marks on his dark blue t-shirt. His dark blue eyes ran across the room before colliding with mine.

I rose my head up high and trying hard not to break my eye contact with his. The teacher cleared her throat interrupting our “so called” staring contest. Did she have to talk at that moment?

The teacher took him aside to talk to him briefly.

“Isn’t he hot?” Abby tried to whisper in my ear. I took in his whole frame to realize he was the opposite of the total “bad boy” look except those blood marks and he was in the most fights since he joined school...6 months ago. He was tall and skinny with a cute buzz haircut.

In fact, he would look like a nerd with some cute glasses on if he did not beat a kid up or lost his temper so quickly.

He turned around and locked his eyes with mine again before giving me a sly smile that he caught me looking at him. He brushed past me before taking a seat behind me. Michelle gave me a knowing smile and I just rolled my eyes and knew there was a blush forming on my face.

After half the day has gone by, I made my way to the lunchroom with a bag of chips at the knick of 11:11 AM. The talking died down as I made my way to the center. I felt like an “imaginary spotlight” was broadcasted over me and was savoring every inch of it.

This was the bittersweet time of lunch on Friday. In this case, bitteregg.

The sound of my stilettos broadcasted around the cafeteria as I searched for my prey. I rubbed my hands and went towards the culprit.

“Mhhm” I cleared my throat as the person turned around with their eyes larger than an egg.

I circled around her with the egg syrup in one hand and a devilish look on my face.

“It’s me?” She pointed towards herself.
I shrugged my shoulders and gently tilted the eggnog over her head while hearing her piercing scream shudder throughout the room.

That is her place and she better know it.

I heard people gasping and a few whispering throughout the room as I reached my conclusion and emphasized the words “that is your place Miss. No VIP.”

I made my way to my table to get a few high five’s from my classmates and Abby. After a few minutes, the whole cafeteria, the whole lunch went back to normal until that pig walked in.

I wonder why he is late for lunch always. What important thing does he need to do? He missed a good show put out by the amazing me. Actually, I should consider myself lucky that he does not come in the way and stop it.

He his hands in his pockets as he made his way towards his table which included Claire and his wannabe beta and other pack members. I felt a pang of hurt in my chest as I saw them give each other a chaste kiss. I was not jealous of them? Was I?

Abby tapped me on the shoulder and pointed towards the window. I found the school’s bad boy sitting there with Jake. I guess they knew each other well.  

At least he has friends. A smile washed on my face as I recalled my conversation with Jake this morning about sitting with him for lunch.

My feet automatically made their way outside toward Jake’s table.

“Hey guys.” I greeted while folding my arms on my chest.

“Lookey, lookey, who do we have here?” Jake said with a teasing smile on his face.

“Yah, I took your offer for lunch.” I sat across Vincent but next to Jake. Vincent looked up and gave a gruff.

“What was that about?” I asked him with my eyebrows raised. What is up his attitude?

“The prank you did there” He pointed to the cafeteria “was so immature.” My wolf was on the edge of her seat while listening to his insult. She and I did not like to be insulted just like any others.

“Excuse me? Think you can do better nerd bad boy.” I looked at Jake to see him with a broad smile.

“You did not just insult him.” Jake teased.

“I ain’t got time for that.” I gave him a wink and looked at Vincent’s hard gaze one last time before looking at the watch to realize the bell will ring any minute.

I made my way towards the exit door when someone called me out. I turned around to find Jake with a smirk on his face and yelling “wait for me.”

I looked towards Abby and Michelle’s table to see Michelle giving me a hardened gaze and knew exactly why.

I gave him a teasing smile before mouthing “ain’t got time for that.” I did not want to state the other reason to myself knowing I would feel bad. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was a bit lower than me, then I would have walked along with him.

After a long day of school, I made my way towards the entrance of school hoping to find my pink porsche parked there. However, I knew James is lazy to bring it there. Hey, I knew he is lazy to even clean the dishes. I suppose the only reason he was there was because my parents knew how much he impacted my life and acted like a better parents than they were.

I looked around the parking lot to find the students getting into their cars which were ugly compared to mine.

“Ya need a ride?” I looked beside me to find Vincent standing there looking nostalgically at a girl with red hair and some nerdy glasses on. Who is she?

“It looks like Duke cannot give you one.” I gave him a puzzled looked before watching in Duke’s direction to see a couple of guys from the basketball team and Claire getting into his car.

I gave a long sigh before nodding my head. I guess he was my only choice.

We approached his silver mustang and just before I got in, I asked “I can sit in the passenger seat, right?”

He gave me a confused look and I just shook my head before getting into his car.

“My house is on the same street as Duke’s.” I think he would know where Duke’s house is since most of the meetings occur near his house. He shook his head and proceeded driving.

Halfway during the car ride, I was bored out of my mind. So, I thought I would play a little game with him.

“Wanna play twenty questions?” He shrugged his shoulders and I took that as a sign for yes.

“What is your favorite color?” I asked.

“Blue. Wait, let me guess, yours is pink?” A smirk formed on his face and I shook my head.

“No V, it’s light blue.” I did not know if he would like me calling him that but I did not care.

“V? Really? Whatever. Do you have a dog?” He scoffed.

“No, I have a cat. I think that is the perfect nickname for you.” I told him honestly. His name was Mr. Chubster and he was the cutest thing on this planet. I would not give him up for anything. After my parents, he is the only one who has been in my life for some time.

“My turn. Do you have a mate?” I asked hesitantly. Sitting with the bad boy and asking a romance question did not look so good.

“Why? Do you want me to be your mate?” He asked me totally breaking the rule.

“First of all, you cannot answer a question with a question. That is like a rule in the universe.” He rolled his eyes.

“Secondly, no I have not. My 18th birthday is  this weekend. All the unmated guys and some VIP girls are coming of course.” He clutched the steering wheel a bit too tight since I could see his palms turn white.

“Well, maybe you will see me there.” I dropped what he meant.

“Who would you hate for to be your mate?” The one guy in the universe popped up into my head and I automatically responded “Duke Daffodil.”

Kinda get to know Jancey a bit more. She's mean and bratty and has a tiny heart. I have introduced the main male characters and female characters throughout the story. 

Here's a summary of the guys:

Vincent - "Nerd bad boy"

James - Jan's bff and butler

Jake - Jan's friend? ;)

Duke - Jan hates his guts. 

Who is her mate? ;) 

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