And many other more while they are cheering

And then. . .Milim-sama! What's your relationship with Rimuru-sama su? Shouted Gobta then the crowd went silent

*that airhead gobta again raised some random flag

"We are more than just friends Noda he's the only man I acknowledge Noda"said milim and took a glance at me and continued

"Wahahaha Rimuru let me experienced his true strength and endless vitality Noda, he devoured everything I had Noda, 'blushes' and h-he let me eat all those sweet thick stuff Noda" Said milim

*Ooii what the hell are you talking milim your making it sound like it something else

The crowd didn't react for a few seconds then their faces gets red while cheering

Random Citizen : AHhH!!?

Random Citizen: Rimuru is so bold

Random Citizen: Forcing a demon lord eat those those those ahhhhhhh

Random Citizen: Rimuru-sama your a man among men

'Grabs the mic from Milim' "Wait!!! It's a misunderstanding! We're besties r-right milim? That's what she meant and don't take it the wrong way" Rimuru while panicking on the stage

It didn't get any better after what Rimuru said and it ended just like that, and there's even some rumors spreading that the Tyrant Rimuru is a Bed Monster that has infinite vitality can even make the the demon lord milim acknowledge him

After 2 days the incident with Phobio and the beastketeers didn't happen, Milim is with Ciel and shizu-san along with Shuna and Shion, yesterday while I was sitting in my office I can hear Shizu-san and Shuna talking about some secret base and training grounds for the R-faction, I tried focusing my attention to their conversation but Ciel came in along with Milim and Shion and gave me a gaze and smirked after that they go somewhere that even I don't know where, I tried asking Hakurou but he said that Ciel informed him the she has prepared training programs for the girls it's been 3 days now that he didn't trained, with Ciel and the girl's,  Whenever I think about it I can't have an easy feeling on what's to come, but if it's Ciel I guess she's already used to making friends, and we can still talk to each other anytime we're bound by soul anyway and theirs literally no existence that can kill me same goes with Ciel if she's with the girls then their in the safest place in the multiverse, might as well let her enjoy her time getting close to our subordinates and friends she has just been watching them mostly in the past timeline, and only had a few appearance only her ego is in the body that she's using now but each passing day Ciel's body structure and even her face are slowly changing into a really more feminine beauty, Well let's believe in the saying curiosity kills the cat let's leave it be for a while

Like in the past timeline Fuze visited here on tempest with the trio along with your, I still made youm a champion and spread rumors that he was the one that defeated the orc lord, same goes with fuze-kun and I also need he's help when I go to Ingrassia to save the children to get my legal pass so that Yuuki won't get suspicious about me and won't see me as a threat, and also to have an easy audience with the King of Blumund, they decided to stay here for a while like in the past timeline to confirm if my motives is true about co existence after the discussion with them I let Rigurd and Miyano to give them a tour and bring them to the hot springs and also show them there accomodations while staying here in Tempest all of them followed Rigurd and Miyano except for Eren

"Rimuru-san!" said eren with a medium voice

"What is it eren? Is there something you need?" Responded Rimuru while signing some paper works

"I-i 'breathes heavily' did you really do that kind of stuff to the d-demon lord m-milim?" Asked Eren while blushing

"EhhH! Did it even reach Blumund, ah haha! It's just a misunderstanding eren" answered Rimuru while scratching the back of his head

"EhhH! Did it even reach Blumund, ah haha! It's just a misunderstanding eren" answered Rimuru while scratching the back of his head

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"I swear in every fiber of my body eren I didn't do anything to Milim"

"Owh! Your on first name basis now Rimuru-san" said eren while still wearing the same face

*I don't want eren to continue believing in these rumour I don't want to have a bad reputation with her she's also an important part of my life, in the past timeline eren has given me hope when I was in the verge of despair, and she's also plays a part with my fast relationship with Sarrion thru Elalude and with that getting the attention of El-chan, I gotta make this smooth

"Eren 'with a serious face'"

"W-what is it Rimuru-san 'slightly shocked"

"What Milim said was true but it was it was in a goo-" Rimuru didn't get to finish

"Rimuru-san! You bakaa!! Started running away from the meeting room 'You bed monster'!!!" Slam's the door

Ehhh??! Ereeen! Wait!! At the end of the day Rimuru didn't get to explain anything


That's the update for tonight a little bit short, I got some errands to do earlier that's why I only got to make 2 chapters, I'll try to cover up tomorrow have a goodnight happy reading guys ^_^

Rimuru X Harem (Regret & returning into the past)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin