Chapter 22 // The Symbol Of Peace

Start from the beginning

"What do you want? you planning to torture me for information? " I said dead serious

"No, but we do have an offer" Shigiraki said standing up

"Join us, you'd be a great addition to the league" Shigiraki

I smiled at him and said "I think I'd rather be killed"

"Don't be like that, we're offering geat sportsmanship"

"Yeah, sure😒"

While this was going on I tried to get out of here

I have been training to use my quirk in many different ways and one of them was controlling electricity outside of my body, I call it < Current control > Although it wasn't simple , it took me months to get right

Basically what I do is I produce electricity or in this case my < electric whips > to try to connect it to the nearest electricity source (like an outlet or wires) and then try to take control from there

Basically if my whips can make contact with another electricity source (let's say a light switch) all I have to do is have my electricity flow through that electric current from the source and hopefully be able to take control

While I'm having this horrible conversation with Shigiraki I was trying to find the nearest electricity source with another move that I call
< Electric Search> Basically all it is , is I use my whips to feel other electro magnetic waves so that I could locate any near electricity sources , it's a great addition to < Current Control >

I also did my best to make the whip as thin as possible in order for it not to be seen


I managed to connect to what feels like an outlet , 'Welp here goes nothing'

I feel my Electricity flow through the circuits than...

***PANG! ***
***POP! ***

The light bulbs pop one by one and electricity flows through the walls, and with a giant burst of electricity I was able to get out

"Don't tell me you actually thought you could get me to become a a Villain? " I said as electricity flows through my body as my hair stands up

"I know, Say... you have your reasons to want to be a hero don't you" The guy named Shigiraki said

"Of course I do, you don't think I wanna risk my life for nothing" I replied

"Well..... So do we..... We have our own reasons why we're here.... All of us here has been restricted and Suffered, so what if we made some mistakes... "

"So your saying your here because you had a hard life? " I said standing up strait ,letting my hair fall down as electricity stopped flowing through me

"Yes" Shigiraki replied

"So? , You said you've been through some tough times ,well guess what so have I " I said , they all looked at me in some odd way

"So you understand us and why we're doing this, gives you another reason why you should join us"

"I understand how you feel and how you felt, but..... But no way in Hell am I joining you"

I kept my head high and continued "Being called names, hurt physically and losing people , Believe it or not I know"

Memories came flooding my head

the original me

My parents

even the people who made fun of me originally, all of those people became super 'Nice' 'Man this world is fake'

"But.... I didn't end up like you... All the bullying ,constantly feeling like shit, but I over came that, but you didn't, thats what's makes you weak"

New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) Where stories live. Discover now