Pt. 14

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Hey guys! sorry for not posting but I'm back hope you'll enjoy this I spent weeks thinking about ideas for this and villain izuku 

SO lets get started 🌚

Sho's  p.o.v

"I-its....." I knew who exactly who the mf was "Jake.." "Hinataaa!~ I missed you!!" "tch why are you here.." "you don't want to see me~" "not if you're hurting my owl.." "HAH!? this bitch is YOUR OWL!?!" "what about it..." "NO! YOU"RE MINE" I sighed this was getting me pissed off "jake you know why I stopped going to your house" "IT WAS A MISTAKE I-I KILLED HIM FOR YOU!~" he put his fingers in his mouth and rubbed his legs "I-I w-want YOU!!" shit if he didn't do what he did I would've fucked him "no you made your mistake" "B-BUT!!" "tsk do you not listen" "keiji come here.." "o-ok" "NO DON"T FUCKING MOVE" he pulled something out of his pants "jake... put it down" "NO C-COME BACK WITH ME!!~" I hid my eyes under my hair "HINATA~ I LOVE YOU!" I ran to him "I-I WILL KILL EVERYONE FOR YOU TO LOVE ME!~" he pulled the trigger BANG I got there just in time "hah... that hurt.." "S-SHOYO!!" he shot my fucking stomach blood was everywhere everyone ran outside "WHAT WAS THAT?!" they saw me "shit.." "hinata~ I LOVE YOU~" he was  fucking psycho he isn't hurting no one shit he pulled the trigger again shot my fucking arm "Shit! fucking bitch.." I fucking had to do something if I keep getting shot I'll fucking die I grabbed something for my pocket "hah.. fuck you" I aimed it to his head "HINATA!~ DO YOU LOVE ME~" "tch not anymore~" "BUT YOU DON'T YOU WANT TO FUCK ME~" "yeah if you weren't acting like this" we pulled the trigger at the same time I heard yelling everything went black "s-shit.." I'm not fucking dying like this fuck that I tried to open my eyes everyone ran to me "i'm alright..."

 I got shot fucking three times I was bloody as hell "NO YOU'RE NOT YOU GOT SHOT!" I limped inside the house I sat on the chair "grab me the fucking med-kits" "SHOYOOOO!" bokuto ran to me  "Are you ok!!" "hah~ i'm alright baby owl~" "But shouldn't you got to the doctors!!" "no.." I'm not going there fuck that this happened before they can't know I fucking shot someone again "BUT!" "no buts" "AKAASHI! TELL SHOYO HE SHOULD GO SEE THE DOCTERS!" I looked at him he was trying to hold his tears "keiji.. just cry it's alright" at this point everyone wanted to fucking cry atsumu brought me the aid-kit "thanks babe~" "y-your welcome but are you ok YOU GOT FUCKING SHOT" osamu ran next to him "yeah we need to know if your actually ok..." "i'm alright babes~" "shoyo..." "hm?" it was kenma "hey kitten" "are you ok.." "yes kitten im alright" "mm.." tetsuro "shoyo who was that?" "that was my ex" "how did he know you were here?" "probably saw the post I sent" shit it was starting to hurt more I couldn't act up I took off my shirt putting bandages everywhere "shit.." noya ran up to me bursting in tears "aww~ your crying for me~" "Y-you IDIOT!" he started softly punching my head I chuckled "it's ok noya I'm alright" "don't noya my ass! you could've fucking died!" I kissed his forehead and sightly smiled "y-you! tch" he stomped away a blushing mess "fuck.." I got up it hurt like hell daichi walked up to me "h-hey shouldn't be sitting down" "It's fine~" "b-but! you could fall" I looked down at hi ngl he has fat ass thighs "don't worry about it cutie~" I winked at him and walked upstairs to my room "fuckkk! when did I have so much fucking stairs" I made it it was painful tho 😪 I opened the door and heard crying and sniffling in the bathroom I opened the door slightly "hey..?" he looked up at me it was...

Who was it?

What is something happens to shoyo?

to be continued



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