35 - Take care of my baby

Start from the beginning

As soon as I heard Alex leave the room I let out a loud scream leaning back into the couch. This boy is seriously going to be the fucking death of me! I try not to freak out when ever he says stuff like that as I want him to feel comfortable enough to tell me anything, but God it's so frustrating! Even worse he was with the guys all evening, who knows what kinds of stuff they taught my innocent baby!

"Ughh" I grit throwing the controller into the door waiting to hear the satisfying crunch. Yet it never came. Curiosity got the best of me and I look up to see Alexander standing in the doorway, with the controller in one hand and a smirk on his pink lips.

I flop back into the couch, shutting my eyes tightly, praying to anything that was listening that he didn't see my little tantrum. But the way he lifted me up and placed me in his lap laughing softly told me otherwise.

"That was cute kitten" he hums softly in my ear.

I let out a groan hiding my face in my hands.

"I was kidding mammi, I missed you so bad if we stayed any longer I really was gonna run off" he admits, blush creeping up his cheeks.

"There were no hot girls there...... actually there were" I hit him on his arm telling him to stop messing around.

"Okayyy fine, maybe there were, but I only adore you Lena, I see nobody else"

He connects his forehead to mine, I stare straight into his eyes and he stared straight into mine.

"I love you so much" he whispers, his eyelids fluttering close.

I love you too

I love you too

I love you too

"I love you too"


(Alex's POV)

"I love you" I hear Hailey whisper softly, her fingers running through my hair.

When she first said it in the gaming room I was shocked to say the least, I jumped away from her so fast, not believing my ears. Don't get me wrong, I was happy... I was very happy, I was just surprised! I rushed out of there as fast as I could, locking myself in my room trying to process what had just happened.

Hailey Lena loves me

Hailey Lena is in love with me!!!!

I took a very hot shower, trying to relax. It's late at night and I just need to rest.

Deep breaths Alex, Deep breaths....

Hailey just told me she loved me...

The thought made a soft smile creep up unto my face.

Hailey just told me she loved me and I .............ran?

Hailey just told me she loved me and I RAN!!!!!!???????

The smile that was on my facet just seconds ago turned into panic. I ran!!! I fucking ran away from her!!!!

Quickly I jump out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist and ran, since that's all I seem to do now... All the way to Hailey's room.

The door was locked and I could only hope she wasn't mad at me. I already pulled that stunt earlier, who knows if she'll be so forgiving again...

"Babe?" I knock gently on the door three times.

"Alex?" immediately Hailey opens the door, with the phone at her ear.

"Why'd you knock? Come in" she ushered me inside. I felt so awkward and had no idea if I should be glad she's acting so casual or worried.

I plop down unto the bed trying to act nonchalant too and to my surprise Hailey followed suit.

"Just gimmie a minute I'm on the phone with Lila...." I nod at her and lay on her chest while she talks.

I closed my eyes as the rhythm of her fingers in my hair was so calming. Few minutes later she hangs up the phone, however I still didn't open my eyes, I stay like that for a few more moments until I heard "I love you" which brings us to here....

"Say it again"

She jumps a bit "A-Alex you weren't asleep?"

"Say it again, please"

"I-I love y-you" she stammers uncontrollably.


"I love you" she says a bit better now.

"Once more?" I push giving her a cheeky smile.

"I Love you Alexander Garner, so much" she repeats sounding much more confident.

"You do, wow I don't know what to say!" I fake gasp.

Her mouth falls open and before I could see it coming I was kicked off the bed.

"Heyyyy!!!" I whine rubbing my bum
"that's not a very nice thing to do to someone you love"

"Ughhh why are you so annoying just get out" she groans pulling the blanket over her head.

"Get out? Don't you wanna sleep with the love of your life???" I grin spreading my arms wide for her to hug me or something.

"No not really..."

I pout, hands dropping down to my side "Well that's rude"

"Oh my goddd Alexander go away!" she whines throwing pillows at me.

"I'm not leaving you're the same one who's gonna miss me!" I fire back catching one of the pillows.

She stands up from the bed suddenly, opened the door, and pushed me out.

Did she just!?

"Hailey Did you just kick your boyfriend out!?" I hear my dad's voice hovering over me, with Jase behind him trying to stifle a laugh.

"Yes I can only handle so much!" I hear Hailey shout from the other side of the door.

"C'mon love don't be like this!!!" I groan.

"Goodnight Alexander!"

The two men burst out laughing loudly, my harsh glares doing nothing to stop them since I probably just look like a cute little puppy.

"Well Alex, looks like you're hanging with us tonight" Jase pats me on the back and both of them drag me down the stairs to god knows where.

Now why did Hailey do Alex like that lol...comment if u think he deserved it.


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