Chapter X - Witness

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A/N: I've been having a bit of writers block so this is sort of just a filler chapter. The next one will have more plot in it.

~3rd Person~

Somewhere in another part of the old school building a certain purple haired astronaut was going to knock on a particular detectives door.

"This is it!" He stated, looking at the picture of the navy haired detective plastered on the door.

It took at least ten minutes to find the detectives room. Maybe if he was the detective he could have found it faster.

He knocked on the door and waited.

"I need to get him to train. He looks like he's get knocked out in one punch!" The astronaut thought, lifting a hand up to itch his head.

After a while of there being no sign of the detective answering, the astronaut decided to knock again.


"Maybe he didn't hear me the last time?" He thought, knocking for the fifth time.

He might be an idiot.

Suddenly, there was a loud announcement.

"Hello students! It is now 10pm! Please head back to your dorms and get some sleep. Or, if you don't, nows a great time to get away with Murder!"

"No ones gonna murder anyone!" The tall purple haired male thought defensively.

"Actually, if I wait here, Saiharas bound to come! He doesn't seem like the type to stay out past curfew!" He thought, sitting down in front of the door with a smile on his face.


~Kaitos POV~

I woke up to feel my side laying against the cold concrete.

"Huh?" I thought, sitting up and looking around at my surroundings.

"Oh, I'm still at Saiharas dorm." I said to myself, standing up.

"Wait... did he not come back last night!?" I thought, lifting a hand to my chin like when people think in movies.

I was about to panic but my thoughts were interrupted by a similar announcement to the one I had heard before falling asleep.

"Rise and shine ursine! It's now 7am! Please wake up and move it!"

"Well that's rude." I thought, looking up at the nearest speaker I could see.

"Oh right! Saihara! Where could he be!?" I said, remembering the problem.

I rushed down to the dining hall.


I got lost.

"Where am I!?" I yelled, looking around.

"I was sure the dining hall was around here somewhere." I thought, walking slowly as I looked at my surroundings.

Then, something completely unexpected happened.



~Shuichis POV~


I heard someone yell my name.

I stopped walking and turned around to look at the source on the noise.

It was the dumb astronaut.

Mark..? No. Mason..? Nah. Momota..? Yeah. Third times the charm I guess.

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