Keep it and you two wait for me here okay I'll be back in a few minutes I just need to give something to our subordinates, I slowly push the bento towards Shuna and hugged her don't cry I was just teasing you, I can't get enough seing that cute face of yours

R-Rimuru-sama The b-bento, Shuna was flustered and is red as a tomato

Unfair said Shion while pouting and turning her back against me and Shuna and sitter herself on a boulder, I came closer to her and started giving her head pats knowing Shion just like that her old carefree self is back

Yoosh wait for me here okay I will be back after that I teleported to the underground cave

"What brings you here Rimuru-sama " said Charys while kneeling showing he's respect

It's okay Charys you don't need to be so formal to me when where alone so where's Veldora I came here to check on his progress I ask Charys who's now looking flustered and sweating

The underground training room has the same design as the labyrinth that ramiris build where we trained our troops and I've asked Ciel to make Veldora a room like what he had in the past timeline the past Veldora was comfortable with that room so I presumed it'll be the same in this timeline

Charys didn't answer and started pointing out to a modern looking door in the far part of the training ground and excused himself saying that he has something to do on his room also Charys and veldora have individual rooms here


After I knocked at the door

"Charys you can just leave the food I'll get it later when I finish this Volume"

After heart those words viens started popping out into my head


Charys I thought I told yo-

After seing that it was not Charys this lazy neet quickly hide the manga he was holding and jumps out from the sofa

M-my sworn brother R-Rimuru I didn't know your going to visit today Kua haha-

He didn't he's laugh seing me with black flames on my hand besides me are his mountain of manga supply's

Geez can't you be more productive Veldora I started kicking the litter that was scattered all over the place

"Your to cruel Rimuru" me and Charys are just taking a break we constantly having several matches everyday sometimes even at night" Veldora said proudly

Ehh? Really! That's great then I'm glad you matured a little

Kuahahaha! I can do anything Rimuru

I actually came here to ask you about your older sister Velgrynd, and why is she so obsessed with emperor rudra

I-i don't know much about the details b-but I can feel that it's not just love it's like she's attracted to something Veldora responded while sweating heavily

*poor guy knowing how he got those spartan like discipline from he's sister's, so Ciel was right that Justice King Michael might have something to do with the missing page of Akashic Records not only Velda, that confirms Ciel's theory that Velgrynd will not be as die hard as she was like in the past timeline to rudra falling over and over for him in multiple reincarnations she's actually attracted to the presence of Veldenava thru Justice King Michael

I see then I'll be going now keep up the good work don't get to fat by Just reading manga

kuahahaha I will Rimuru as your sworn brother I will do my best with Charys by doing many matches everyday we will reach being ry-, strong and learn many ways to improve said Veldora while Sweating again this time heavily

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