Getting ready for Hell

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Bakugo and Diablo are finally back at home. Bakugo was really happy because he finally got the chance to see the Lost City and he his finally got the chance to ask Diablo to be with him.

"Hey Diablo I just thought oh something. Because you are the Prince of Hell and whatever do I need to like I don't know some ritual to be with a demon?"

Diablo just laughed. After hearing that from Bakugo he couldn't be serious.

"YOIII WHATS SO FUNNY!!! I just asked you a fucking question demon boy."

"I'm so-sorry love it's just hahahaha it's just I never expected that from you. But to answer your question no not really."

"What do you mean not really. It's a yes or no answer. So don't give me a half ass one."

"Okay love. I guess in a way you can say it is. What we have to do is go see my dad in hell on a full moon and tell him that I found my soulmate and that we are together. Then when I tell him that he will make us do a blood spell on us to make us one."

"And how does that work?"

"The spell is a type of spell for all soulmates to have on them. What it does really is make us feel what the other is feeling and to see or feel where their lover is.

"Oh okay I get it now. And you said we have to see your dad on the full moon. When will that be?"

"It will be in a couple of days from now but we should leave tonight or tomorrow morning so we can get things ready for it.

"But we have school tomorrow."

"Don't worry love I already talk to Mr. Aizawa about it. So he knows and said it was okay."

"Oh okay then we'll I guess I will start packing then."

When Bakugo got to his room he started thinking about what to bring but he doesn't know what to bring to a place like hell.

"What the hell am I supposed to bring if I'm going to Hell and see the fucking King?"

"Did you just say you are going to hell to see the King as in like Diablo's dad?" Mina said with Jiro right behind her.

"Yes pinky I am. Because me and Diablo are going to be together I have to do a ritual with him and in order to do that I need to see his dad. But the thing is I don't know what to bring for clothes to hell because we are going to be there for a couple days. Oh wait I just got a text from Diablo."

"What did he say?" Jiro said.

"He said that in the time of us being there is a big party as well. This is starting to piss me off  I need to think for a second."

Mina turned to look at Jiro and smiled

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Mina turned to look at Jiro and smiled.

"You thinking what I'm thinking."

The Devil's son has a Soulmate (Bakugou x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now