My eyes shoot open I keep staring out the window and notice the figure is walking in my direction. IS THIS THEIR HOUSE?! what happens if they catch me?? no it can't be their home they were gone for a whole week.
     I decide to walk outside I mean I need all the help I can get but as they come closer I hide. I see that they are around my age and sigh in relief. then they start walking to 'my' car and let's just say I explode.
     "Who the hell do you think you are? thats my car!" I praticaly yell at person and realize its a he. he just stares at me in shock and then I start to feel bad because I yelled.
     he stayed quiet then said "...oh um I'm sorry? I just you know thought the world was dead" he said with humor and once again I get mad
     "this is not funny!" I said then quieter I say "because its true" I start to tear up and notice him watching and stop immediately. "now please get away from my car."
     he calmly steps away from my car and says "are there anymore?"
     "are their anymore people around? anyone with you?"
     "no like you said 'the world is dead'"
     he looked down sadly and starts walking away.
     "wait" I say. he turns around "are you just gonna leave I mean you have nowhere to go."
     "what are you inferring?" he said
     "you can stay her- I mean I need all the help I can get" I say
     he starts walking back and I exhail in relief but once I see him in the light I instantly remember him and by the look on his face I think he remembers me too. I look down "scarlet?" I turn around and start walking inside but he grabs my arm and hugs me "scarlet!" he says with joy.
     "hi Jake" I said feeling uncomfortable and he notices and let's go and mumbles a sorry.
     he walks in and says "I'll um sleep on the couch.." I nod and go back upstairs to sleep and once my eyes close their is a scream from downstairs...

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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