I followed behind him, hesitantly. Even though his word choice had pissed me off, this was still my family. "Keon, please."

He quickly turned around and held both hands out in front of him. "Just give me some fucking space! We can talk later on tonight."

I wanted to protest and say something to stop him but I was stopped by Val. She had a soft look on her face. "How 'bout you ride wit me? Let Keon and Keontae ride together."

I swallowed the lump in my throat but I knew I had no choice but to let him go. Instead, I just walked in between Javi and Val. Once again, the consequences of my own actions had me in deep shit.
*Javi's POV*
I sat in the back seat, heated. Today was a very important today and I was trying not to ratchet it the fuck up but Keon had my sister fucked up, respectfully.

I understood and respected Val and what she was trying to say but I had no choice but to spazz when I saw my little sister looking hurt. Since the ride started, she hadn't said a word and I wanted to get to the bottom of the shit so I decided to start the conversation.

"Jeannie, what's going on between y'all?"

She cleared her throat before responding, "Nothing."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Typical Jeannie shit. "So y'all yelling at each other to the top of y'all lungs is nothing?"

"Just mind your damn business, Javi!"

I nodded my head and grabbed my car keys with my AirPods attached. After I had selected the song I wanted to hear, I texted Tiana and made sure she was fine with the kids.

I definitely didn't have a problem leaving Jeannie and her issues alone. I had my own shit to worry about, like how I was going to handle being a mother of two and staying on my shit.

Before I knew it, we had arrived to the venue where the gender reveal was being held. I felt the excitement in my stomach to be an auntie but I couldn't help but to shake my head. This was such a memorable day and it was already drama.

When we stopped and were all about to get out of the car, I tried one more time to get to the bottom of everything.

"Jeannie, just talk to me."

In the front seat, Val looked over at Jeannie with a pleading look on her face, also.

"We know it ain't nothing, girl. Keon was mad as hell."

Jeannie sighed and turned around so she could be facing both of us, with her back against the dashboard. "I saw Lucas when we went to the first doctor's appointment."

I immediately sucked my teeth. I felt like an idiot! This whole time, I was mad at Keon, but really I should've been mad at Jeannie's stupid ass. I could see exactly what was going on now.

"You thought it was a good idea to keep this to yourself? If you would've told Keon, maybe all this shit could be over with!"

She pouted and folded her arms across her chest. "I thought that I was saving everyone from drama! All of this is just too much for me. I should be happy and I'm not fucking happy."

I looked at her while the water works started. Here she go, I thought. I moved to help her tears from messing up her makeup. Today was still an important day.

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