[ chap. 1 ]

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The sun was shining brightly, cascading beautifully around the near-empty room. You wake up normally like any other day, except you could hear your brothers friends down the hall. Sighing, you drag yourself out of bed and into the bathroom.

You snagged your tooth brush from it's holder, rubbing one of your tired eyes. After finishing freshening yourself up, you change out of your pajamas and head downstairs.

All the boys look up at you as you make your way down. Spotting your boyfriend, you run. "Jiminieee!" you squeal, jumping into his arms. He catches you, thankfully, and you nuzzle into his neck. Giggling as he placed kisses anywhere he could reach. "Morning baby" he said, morning voice coming out strong.

"Ok enough pda you guys, get off my sister" Namjoon said, and the others laughed. Jumping, reluctantly, off the latter, you smiled. "Good morning guys!" you announced, going over to plop next to Yoongles. He's your bestie, or, childhood friend.

You all fell into a wonderful conversation that felt like hours. Jin making dad jokes, Hoseok being playful, having stupid debates. Actually, you were in the middle of one with Jungkook when you suddenly remembered something.

"Hold on, guys, did you eat this mornings?" you pondered out loud, and the guys shook their heads. "For your information, I had chips for breakfast, thank you very much " Taehyung clarified, and everyone looked at him. "What?!"

"I'll go make you guys some pancakes" you said, and Namjoon cheered. "Your pancakes are the best!" he exclaimed, and you see Jin send him a pointed glare. "We all know you're the best cook here Jinnie" he comforted his boyfriend, and the other smiled.

You took that as your que to leave, heading straight for the kitchen. You got the basic mix from the cupboard and some fresh fruit. As you mixed the batter, a dull ache started building in your lower abdomen. You brushed it off at first, but once you started flipping pancakes it got worse.

"Jin, can you come here please?" You yelled, and soon heard his pitter pattering feet on the wood floors. "What's up, (Y/n)?" he asked, seeing your scrunched up face. "I'm not feeling so well, can you take care of the pancakes please? While I go find some medicine?" you hoped, and he placed a hand on your shoulder with a reassuring smile. "Go take care of yourself, I got the food" Jin responded, and with that, you were gone.

Now heading to the bathroom, you almost fall as you stumble, steading yourself on the wall. Yoongi ran over to you, as he probably heard the commotion. "Are you ok?!" He whispered in concern, looking around for injuries. "I'm ok, don't worry" you said, smiling lightly. You could tell he looked nervous, but with some reassurance, he dropped it and returned to the boys.

By the time you actually got to the bathroom, a headache had formed. You quickly found the ibuprofen and downed two of them with some water. Placing your hands on the sink, you take a deep breath in.

Once you started feeling a bit better, you sat down on the toilet to use the bathroom. But when you looked at your underwear, you screamed.


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