Chapter 4✔

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Bucky and I laid in bed, legs tangled together. His arm was wrapped around me as I played with his metal hand.

"Does it ever hurt?" I asked in a whisper. I looked over at him as I noticed he was staring at me. I couldn't tell if he thought I was crazy or if he was just confused. "Like phantom pains?" I clarified.

"Sometimes. Most of the time I forget its not my real arm." I hummed at his response and held his hand, playing with his fingers before he grabbed my hand, examining my wrist. "What's that from?" He asked, his fingers tracing over my long scar. I swallowed hard and sighed.

"I was in a car accident when I was 13." I told him. He turned my wrist around, staring at the scar intensely. Like he was analyzing it.

"That's not a scar from a car accident." He told me, sitting up. I sat up with him.

"What do you mean? Yes it is." I told him, pulling my wrist from his grip.

"No it's not. It looks like someone cut your wrist open with a knife on purpose." I looked at him as I stood up. I looked down at the scar and traced it. The long faded white line was still a bump in my skin. It was pretty straight, was he right? Did someone cut me? No. I was in an accident.

"No. I was with my mom and she drove into an electric fence." I said, my eyes jerking around, trying to place the images of the wreck in my head. The pictures of us driving and the light from the fence sparking flew past my eyes as it flashed, a man was there now. The one from my nightmare. Who was he? He wasn't there before. Was he? I can't remember.. Why can't I remember? The whole week was a black memory in my mind. I jumped as a hand made contact with my shoulder.

"El... I'm sorry, I didn't mea-"

"I think you should go." I said firmly. My voice a bit shaky from the mental image of my mother dying.

Bucky frowned at me, lifting his hand off my shoulder slowly and nodding. "Okay." He whispered. He walked over and grabbed his clothes, dressing quickly and walking to the bedroom door, pausing. "I am sorry.." He whispered as he left my room. I waited until I heard the front door shut. I took in a shaky breath as I pulled out my phone, dialing as I went to my closet and grabbed a bag. I had to get out of here. Get away for a bit. Get away from them. From him.

"Ellaaaa! Where you at girl?" I heard Lexi slur. Was she drinking already? I looked over to the clock to see Bucky had been here for a while, it was already five in the evening.

"Hey, Lex. I'm going on a business trip for a few days. Can you check my mail for me for a bit?" I asked as I started grabbing random articles of clothing. I was heading up state to get away. And maybe to also get the Avengers away from me.

"Where are you going?" She asked, even though I don't think she really cared. Lexi was the more uncaring between her and Ginny. That's why I called her instead. Ginny would be rushing over to stop me from running and drilling me on what happened.

"Just upstate for a bit. I'll be back, I promise." I said as I zipped my bag closed and grabbed my leather jacket, tossing it on and slinging the bag onto my shoulder.

"Yeah- I was actually needing a place to stay for a bit, my place is going through some repairs from some psycho." I paused at her words.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, did I forget to tell you? Some psycho broke in the other night and completely wrecked my house. They didn't take anything so I guess that's a plus. But my place is destroyed. Like the walls were punched or something." Someone was looking for me. Lexi doesn't have enemies. Who else would wreck her place. "But, I do work for the newspaper so maybe I ticked someone off? Ugh-" I could almost feel her eyes rolling as she spoke. I had all of Lexi's newspaper clippings, I haven't seen anything that would cause someone to ransack her place.

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