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Loving khalifa💕

By Rashidah Dalhatu


After the massage insiya felt a bit better, insee go take your a bath you'll feel much better intiesaar said looking at her sister with so much concern. Insiya managed to smile and got up with so much effort she walked into the bathroom while her sister stared at her back.

She took her bath and then performed wudu, by the time she was out, intee was not in the room, she went out to their kitchen to get their food.

she applied a little cream to her body sprayed her body with her body spray and took out a very light coffee color silk long gown then brought out her hijab, after dressing up she sprayed perfume again and then picked up the praying mat and prayed zuhr, it was almost time for asr so she remained on her mat and made dua to Allah as she waited.

Assalamualaikum intee said as she comes in with a plate containing food.

Insee answered her Salam.

My insee how are you feeling, I hope kinji sauki, wlh I promise I will not forgive Farid saina rama miki,intee said as she kept the food on the table in the center of the room.

Aa I did not ask you to do anything, I don't want you to ever disrespect Farid,intee please stop behaving like them, ignore them when they're talking,Allah l don't like it when you quarrel,please you have to stop, insee said with alot of concern.

Inkuma bazaki daina ba toh shikenan sai in fita harkar ki and you know I can do that she said this time in a more serious tone.

Okay I'm sorry and I promise to try my best, I'll ignore them, just don't get angry at me, intee pleaded.

I mean it insiya said eying her and still having the stern look on her face.

I promise right?, so it won't happen again trust me she said trying to put on an innocent face.

Trust me insiya repeated as she rolled her eyes,as if you could be trusted, you know it's not the frist time you're promising this yet you go back to your ways again right? She asked.

Okay okay l hear you this time I'm for real intee said reassuringly.

Insee nodded, okay she replied not because she believed her though.

Okay let me also pray so we could eat intee said as she made for the bathroom.

Insiya prayed asr and waited for intee to pray her zuhr and asr before they dung into their plate of spaghetti.

Insiya and intiesaar Muhammad Dikko are twins, their father ALH Muhammad Dikko is the CEO. Of Dikko motors limited. He is rich and comfortable.

Alh MD has two wives, Ummu kulthum (Amma) and Saratu (Umma)

He met Ummu kulthum in Niger 🇳🇪 then he was schooling in maradi. He studied business administration. He hails from a reputable Islamic middle class family. On their way back from school to their lounge his friend brushed her with his car then she just left the pharmacy and was hurrying to cross the road and get back home to her sick mother.

Leather bag she was holding got crushed by the car which contained her mother's drugs.

They felt sorry got down to help her up and MD offered to buy her the drugs again.

No you don't have to, I understand it was a mistake,don't worry it's fine I'll just hurry back and get them myself she said calmly as she turned to go back where she headed from but he blocked her way.

No please let me help you he pleaded.she paused for a moment before muttering okay.

Mukhtar his friend tagged along with them as they silently walked to the shop leaving his car behind.

Thanks for the lift,she smiled. Ohh you don't have to thank me, I think I should be thanking you for letting us drop you off he replied with a soft grin.

She turns to Mukhtar bye she said and he waves as she quickly made her way into their house feeling uncomfortable with MDs stare on her.

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