Reading Lists

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Have you ever felt that doubt when choosing which list best matched your story? Do not fear! In this chapter you will find a brief explanation to help you with that cruel doubt.

Sci-Fi/Fantasy - 42 Isn't the Answer Everywhere

42, right? Is it a proper answer? Can you believe it? So here is the place to show us your stories that try to answer not just this question, but many others towards Science Fiction and Fantasy! Why not mix them both? Send us all the questions and the answers ( if you dare!!) 

Horror - You've Seen Event Horizon, Right?

Okay, are you afraid? Us too, but nothing better than a really good well written horror story! We're willing to have it in our hands MUAHAHAHA!

Romance - Heartbreak That Might've Been

Can you feel the love tonight? Can you find love in another world? Show us! Somebody wants to be loved!! Us too!

TeenFic/YA/NA - Al(teen)ate Universe

Teenagers, young adults, new adults, aliens of every nation, world, dimension, make us proud and send us your best stories!

Fanfic - Nothing But Shrimp

Hey fanfictioners! Can you send us a story where Harry Potter and Naruto are fighting for Middle Earth? Yes! Let us see!

Action/Adventure - Alternate Badassiverse

BAM! POFT! POW! Heeeelp us! We need to be saved by a badass person with amazing stories to let us free from this terrible dimension we are in! Send it noooow!

HistFic - It Happened Somewhere, Probably

Mary of Scots featuring Robespierre in a time machine to fight against The Night King? Yes and why not? Here is the place to feature any history hero or just fact, we also like it!

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