Chapter 5

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Last edited: November 14, 2015
(2 days later)

"Four, let's wake up Zeke and Uriah." I whisper as I wake Tobias up.

"I was thinking we could place a table or tray over their heads. Then use air horns to wake them up."

I see a small grow across Tobias' face. We get dress quickly and get our surprise ready. We set up trip wires outside both of their rooms. But of course, when we run we will jump over at the last second but they won't have time to register what I'd going on. I go to Zeke's room while Tobias goes to Uriah's. We blow the horns and get ready to run.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ow! What is this?!" I hear Uriah say at the time time as Zeke. I look at Zeke rubbing his forehead and run. As I'm running, I run into Tobias. If it weren't for the trip wire, they would've caught us. Tobias picks me up, throws me over his shoulder and runs to his car. We got in and locked it.

"You guys might want to go get ready. School starts in 15 minutes. Bye!" I yell out the window when they get close as Tobias starts to drive to school. He's going to introduce us to his and Zeke's friends. We get to school and park. I see a group of kids heading towards us.

"Six, this is Shauna-Zeke's girlfriend, Will and Christina, they're dating, Marlene and Lynn, the gang. Guys, this is Six." Zeke and Uriah show up about 10 minutes later, with a bruise on their foreheads, while we chat.

"Hello Six and Four." He glares at us. "Hello others, I'm Uriah!" He said waving to everyone.

"He-" I was about to say hey when some chick cut me off. She was wearing shorts two sizes too small and a 'shirt' that left nothing to the imagination. With her caked on make up, I already dislike her very, very much.

"Hey Four! How are you?" She squeals,an high-pitched squeal. People start to cover their ears if they are close by. You can tell that no one liked her. They looked disgusted when she showed up. Tobias looked really annoyed when answering.

Tobias sighed. "Lauren, what do you want?"

"I just wanted to see how your summer was. An are you free tonight to go to dinner? Unless you want just dessert." I almost barfed at the double meaning. The others look like they might as well. She's trying to flirt. Twirling her hair with her finger, batting her eyes. Not a very good job. Ugh... I really don't like her. She also seems pushy. The agency taught us how to read people.

"Why do you care and no. I never have or will like you. Just leave me alone." Her face looked shocked. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Just as he was going to turn around, she tried to kiss him. Notice I said try, because he just side-stepped and she fell. By now, we were all laughing.

"Lauren, I have a girlfriend."

"WHAT?! Who would you rather date then me!!? I'm perfect!"

"-ly fake." I mumble, but clearly not quietly enough that everyone tries to stifle a laugh. She looks like she's going to explode.

"Six meet Lauren. Lauren, meet Six, my girlfriend." I see the look in his eyes. He's asking for my help. I inwardly sigh and slightly nod. He wraps his arm around my waist bringing me closer to him. I play along. I stand on my toes and kiss his check.

Lauren is fuming. She tries to punch me in my stomach. That's a mistake. Tobias let go of my waist, allowing me fight her. I grab her hand and push it to my left so it doesn't hit me. I use my right hand and bring it to her nose, hearing a satisfying crack. I sweep her legs and she falls. I get in her face.

"Next time, think twice before you try to fight me. Now leave." She gets up and runs off crying. The gang, except For Tobias, Zeke, and Uriah look at me in awe. They all start talking at once. I hear, 'wow!' And 'That's amazing' and 'you guys are dating?' and 'where did you learn that.'

"HEY!" I think Christina yells. They shut up and look at me her.

"That was AWESOME!" She squeals, but not like Lauren's. "No one stood up to her. Now that that's out the way, YOU GUYS ARE DATING!? That's super cute! You guys are a cute couple. OMG! We can go on double dates or triple dates with Zeke and Shauna. Oh we-"

"No are aren't dating." Tobias and I said at the same time, cutting her off.

"I was just helping him out. She wasn't going to leave him anytime soon, so we decided to make her leave."

"But you guys would make the cutest couple!" Christina whined. Before Tobias or I can say anything, Uriah starts talking.

"No they are just best friends. They both like each other but decided not to date. It might complicate things when  and if they go-" I tackle him to the ground before he can give anything away about Dauntless. Tobias and Zeke give him a death glare. He just realizes what he was going to say. I get up off him and dust myself off.

"Okay... That was weird." Will states as the rest nod.

"Anyway..." Zeke says awkwardly , "let's just go get our schedules." This was an interesting way to the the first day of school.

(A/N: Caleb is Tris' brother, but he stays at the head quarters to work with computer, and technical problems.)

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