"It's a crown." Surtur snapped. 

"Anyways, it sounds like all I have to do to stop Ragnarok is rip that thing off your head." Surtur laughed, standing up as he drug his crown. "But Ragnarok has already begun. You cannot stop it." The tip of his sword creating sparks against the ground as he picked up both our chains. "I am Asgard's doom, and so are you. All will suffer. All will burn!" 

"Oh, that's intense" Thor shook his head.

"Very intense," Aspen interjected. "To be honest, seeing you grow really big and set fire to a planet would be quite the spectacle." He laughed as the brunette beside him could feel the chains loosen even more. "But looks like we're going to have to choose option B where we bust out of these chains, knock that tiara off your head and stash it away in Asgards vault." 

Surtur pulled Thor closer, "You cannot stop Ragnarok. Why fight it?" 

"Because that's what heroes do." Thor smiled as his hand opened. Aspen rolled her eyes, seeing his hammer wasn't fast enough. He groaned, "Wait...I'm sorry I didn't time that right."

Aspen smirked as she could hear Mjollnir breaking through the walls of the cave. Surtur turned his head. "And now!" Thor grinned as his hammer broke through the walls and into his hand. Aspen ripped out of her chains as she swiftly flipped to the ground, dagger in hand. Thor flew on his hammer as Aspen followed, jumping from different walls. Surtur laughed, holding his sword up. "You two have made a grave mistake, Odinson, Njord." 

"I make grave mistakes all the time." They looked around as fire demons started to surround them, and a dragon popped its head out from the dark, roaring. "Everything seems to work out." Aspen conjured a larger sword as green enveloped her veins, creating a shield. Creatures started to attack them as Aspen flipped her hand, exploding them before they could touch her. Green wisped in all directions, but they kept coming. Thor fought Surtur as she kept the animal-like beasts from centering in on them. Finally, Thor sent his hammer in a circle, killing at least two hundred before he jumped in the air, throwing down the hammer, sending all the creatures into ash. Even knocking Surtur back slightly. 

"Show off," Aspen mumbled. 

Surtur growled, throwing down his sword as Thor caught it with his hammer. The flames kept back by Mjölnir started to get hotter as Aspen sealed a shield around both of them. Thor pushed forward, sending Surtur into a column. He continued to strike his head before suddenly Surtur collapsed to the ground, fire being swept into his skull as Thor attached it to a chain, swinging it over his back. 

"Now, can we go?!" She shouted, killing a few more snarling creatures. 

"Heimdall, I know it's been a while, but we could really use a fast exit." Thor pumped his hand into the air when nothing happened. 

"Well, that's not good," I exclaimed, staring up. 

"Heimdall?" Thor asked again when suddenly the dragon snapped from its chain, coming after us. 

"Okay, Thor, now would be the time to do something!!" She yelled as he spun his hammer, "Hold onto me!!" Aspen hesitantly obliged, wrapping her arms around his waist as they flew into the air. And before she knew it, the firey dragon was chasing them again. Snapping at them.  Thor placed his hammer in the mouth of the dragon. "Stay," He ordered the creature as Aspen released her hold on him. Thor still attempting to call on Heimdall. 

"Thor!" Aspen yelled, seeing more snarling creatures coming their way. He sighed before gripping Aspen's waist, lifting his hammer as they both flew forward. The dragon snarled and snapped, causing Aspen to close her eyes tightly. Suddenly a bright light engulfed the two as she opened her eyes to see a rainbow tunnel surrounding them. "The bi-frost." She breathed out, happy to be going home. Her feet finally touched the ground as the dragon's severed head flew in from behind them. Its eye-rolling backward as its tongue fell limp. Two girls sitting on the Bifrostst steps screamed as they were drenched in dragon guts. Aspen chuckled slightly at their manners before turning to a bald man carrying the Bifrost sword. 

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