Chapter 30

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"my dad is the Dean"

Her mouth dropped. She narrowed her eyes trying to read my face.

Lizzie:"thats not funny" she anxiously says

"it wasn't meant to be, it's true my father is -"

Lizzie:"my boss" she realises

"yeah but -"

Lizzie:"YOUR DAD IS MY BOSS?!" she shouts and she stands up from the couch.

"I meant to tell you, I really did liz!" I argue

Lizzie:"but what? You forgot? Please think of something better jen" she says to me, anger all over her face.

"oh come on liz, of course I wanted to tell you but I was scared it would ruin things" I plead

Lizzie:"you knew how much I was risking. But it didn't matter to me because I had you and it was all worth it" she begins laughing manically "but this whole time, the one thing that could affect this relationship was under my nose" she continues laughing. This is worrying.

"he never would have known liz, I never talk to him i-"

Lizzie:"THAT'S WHY YOU DIDN'T WANT ME TO MEET HIM" now her hands are flying everywhere

"that wasn't the only reason liz, just calm down and let me-"

Lizzie:"calm down? You want me to calm down? Let me just sit down maybe read a book while my while career is at stake here. Would that make you feel better jen"

"you don't have to be like that liz" I sigh

Lizzie:"like what jen? No seriously tell me, I would love to know how to 'handle this'."

"maybe if you would just listen to me!" now my voice is raised

Liz:"god I'm such an idiot."

"you're not an idiot liz" I state

Liz:"no I am. For ever thinking a relationship as reckless as this could ever be anything" she spat out.

To say my heart broke would be an understatement. Someone ripped that shit out and crushed it in their hands.

"so what are you trying to say?" my voice now low and filled with sadness

Liz:"I think you should go" she says while looking at the ground


Liz:"NOW!" she shouts.

I hold my tears back and walk towards the door. It felt like I was leaving everything after me. I mean lizzie was my everything. She is my everything.

Now the tears have started falling. I can barely see right now as I am crossing the road. I look to my right and left and begin walking. I am almost at the other side when-



A/n sorry this is short guys

Serious question tho-would you be interested in a one shot book? Please interact with this comment if you do, if there is enough feedback I'll post a chapter explaining it more x

Take care :)

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