ඞ Prolouge (1) ඞ

54 3 18

  "How many times are you gonna keep fighting those thugs?" A girl wrapping bandage to another girl's hands.

  "HAH- I WILL NEVER SURREN- OW OW OW OW OW-" The other girl's face started from smirking face while shouting to the girl wrapping bandage on her hands, falls into a hurting face.

  "Omg- STOP MOVING GEEZ-" Shout the frustrated girl that keeps trying to wrap the bandage on the hurt girl.

  "Are you kidding me- Sky, you went into a fight, again??" Says another girl entering the room.

  "WHAT? YOU ALSO GOT A PROB- OWWWWW- CAN YOU STOP WRAPPING IT TOO HARSH ALINE?!" Sky started talking again and shouted in pain.

  "STOP MOVING AROUND SO MUCH OMG-" Aline commanded to Sky while she keeps trying to wrap the bandage on Sky's hand.

  "Yeah, I will prepared dinner-" The girl replied, leaving the room.

  While Aline try to patch Sky, Ashley, the girl who left the room, went to the kitchen to cook some dinners.

  'Hmmmmm, what's should I make for dinner? Or order for dinner? Hmmmm-' Ashley thinking to herself while checking the fridge.

  She then heard a ringtone of her phone. She looks on her phone and saw the person calling, Will. She then answered the call and was greeted with an exciting voice.

  "Hey Wi-" "ASHLEYYYYY!!" Another voice interrupting the phone call.

  "MOTHERFLIPPER-" Ashley shout in shock and accidentally bump to a chair and fall on her butt to the ground.

  "Oops, hehe~ Sorry Ash...." The voice from the call apologize.

  "UGHH- KRIS- COULD YOU STOP DOING THAT?!" Ashley shouted back to the phone call while trying to ignored the pain on her back.

  "Come on~ Anyways, Will and I wanted to go eat outside and I decided to invite you guys hehe." Kris replied in the call.

  " 'You guys?' and what do you mean 'I'?" Did Will not agree to this?" Ashley reply with a innocent but teasing tone in her voice.

  "Hehe, you know well that he don't want to do anything with you guys lol~ Beside, what I meant from 'you guys' I meant you, Sky, Aline, and some of our other friends~ Who knows, maybe Sky and Aline's crushes too will join~" Kris replied again with a cherry tone.

  "If annoying him is a choice, then hell yes! Me and the girls gonna join y'all tonight!" Ashley replied with excitement. 'Can't wait to disturb him again hehe-'

  "Great! Meet ya in the new local Japanese theme restaurant near the park we used to play, see ya there!" Kris ended the call.

  Ashley immediately drag both Sky and Aline to each of their room to prepared themself to go out. After finishing preparing themself for the dinner hang out, they all walked to the front porch and Aline locked the door to the house while Sky and Ashley went to prepare the car 's engine.

- Time Skip -

  After a lot of small talking and listening to songs (and google maps *cough) in the car, they finally arrived to the new restaurant that is located near their childhood park. The smell of the new, fresh cooked foods is in the air while they are entering the restaurant. The restaurant have Japanese old theme vibe mixed with the modern kitchen, the kitchen is on the open space so some people could see some action or performance that the chef would do but some people decided to sit down on the table where they have to put their shoes and put them on the floor while they fold their lap and sit comfortably on the soft Japanese theme cushion.

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