Chapter 3

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Her violet-colored bed remained empty even when the morning star began to climb in the vast heavenly blanket.

Rozelyn continued reading her father's journal that she found in that revolting room.

She didn't know how to process her father's words and messages. She doesn't even want to continue reading, if not for the awestrucking revelation her parent have divulged.

So, she talked with her journal in order to calm herself. She always does that when she's anxious or perturbed.

Her father even told her the origins of her name in his diary—causing her to reminisce about her childhood experience with him and her uncle Imani Onai.

As she was in the last part of speaking with her journal, the door that was shut a minute ago was now suddenly ajar.

Her russet-eyed stepmom was now grinning at her, dressed in sage-colored blouse and black jeans. Her luscious auburn hair was tied in a simple ponytail.

Perhaps she knew I was in there last night. Rozelyn privately murmured to herself.

"Get dressed, sweetie. We're going to pick some apples."


The orchard was crowded and echoing with revelry. Some are having picnics and some are taking their lovers for a toast.

The center building's façade was carved like a blooming rose. Its lofty pillars are designed in Corinthian style.

The place was filled with various fruits and a myriad of flora. There are roses, tulips, orchids, apples, pears, mangoes and all kinds of berries.

Rozelyn's euphoria cannot be described by just mere words that can be found in the dictionary. She was absolutely speechless.

"My belated birthday gift."

Her stepmom then handed her a jewelry box, wrapped in a rosy gift wrapper.

The obsidian lavaliere was carved into a rose figure and is attached to a silvery necklace that glints under the morning sun. The jewel encompasses such sheer splendor. It's like wearing the very essence of being glamorous.

"Thank you, Romaine."

Rozelyn stated with tears falling down from her eyes. She's probably the most fortunate stepdaughter to exist for having Romaine as her loving stepmom.


Romaine looked at her with a serious face.

"There's a deeper reason why I brought you here."

"What is it, Romaine?"

"Follow me." Her stepmom commanded.


Rozelyn's eyes cannot believe that this kind of place existed. A garden filled with red roses, arranged in a circular manner and crafted to look like a Minotaur's labyrinth.

"You already know why I brought you to this silent garden, Rozelyn."

Rozelyn's throbbing heart can be heard even at the depths of Tartarus. Was she referring to last night?

The words her father left her made Rozelyn contemplate on why the hell Eku didn't confess to her that they're blood-sucking creatures when she was seven.

Rozelyn is always the kind of person that has difficulty in processing things. In fact, she was still processing why Eoghan broke up with her sixteen months ago. And up until now, she still can't contend that they are supernaturally blessed and eternally cursed by a million-year-old flower.

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