Chapter 1✔

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"HELP!!" A woman screamed as I walked past an alley way in New York City. I reached around to grab the handle of the gun tucked into my waistband of my jeans. Following the sound of whimpers as I come to see a man holding a wailing woman against the brick wall. "Pl-please N-no, stop please." The woman was begging him. He ignored her and leaned into her neck, kissing her.

"I do believe she said no." I spoke up, tilting my head to get a look at the man. His head snapped up and looked over at me, his eyes dragging down my body and back up. Can't say I blame him, I had chosen a good outfit today.

"Wait your turn. I'll get to you next." He smirked and leaned back into the woman's neck. Her whimpers were desperate. I reached forward and grabbed a hold of his greasy black hair and yanked him back, making him release the woman.

"But I'm just so impatient!" I pouted and pulled the gun out, holding it to just under his chin as I had his back against my front, his arms flailing around trying to get me to release his nasty hair. The woman looked at me, before scampering away. Yeah, You're welcome! I thought. "Awh look! It's my turn!" I told him faking my excitement. The look in his eyes was holding the tiniest bit of fear from the gun pressing to him, but other than that he just looked annoyed and a bit turned on. What a creep.

"You like your kinks." He smirked and tried to turn himself around, but I held on tighter. Lowering my face to his ear.

"You have no idea." I whispered before adding, "I heard a rumor" I started, the words echoing out as my eyes turned white. "That you turned yourself into the police for killing Travis Lowery." My voice echoed as his eyes rolled back for a minute. I released my hold on him as he stood up and disappeared. Travis Lowery. A man who was my last victim. Had to shoot him since I couldn't risk my power on his victim he was raping. One shot to the back of the head, the person he was taking advantage of got there things and ran while crying. I don't get why they always run away from me. I could have just told her to tell the police that it was self defense or some shit. But no. But, now I had no worries since this man was going to confess to it for me.

I quietly placed my gun back into the waistband of my jeans and looked around, grabbing the wallet he had dropped on the ground. This is how I made my living. Take from the guilty and save the innocent. This should pay for a few drinks. I thought, before leaving the smelly ally. I had places to be. And here was definitely not doing it for me. I shuddered as a huge rat scampered in front of me trying to get to its home without me chasing it. Don't worry buddy. I don't do rats either. I grimaced.

Luckily I was not even two minutes of a walk from the bar I was heading to. Walking into Taggen Bar and Club, I instantly saw Ginny, my step sister waving me over to the bar, a stool saved for me. I smiled seeing her bright blue eyes contrasting against her dark eye makeup. Her outfit was simple high waisted jeans and a frilly white top. I walked over to her as she ordered me my usual Appletini.

"Its about time you got here! I thought you had stood me up." She pouted at me as she took a sip of her Cosmo. I rolled my eyes at her dramatic act. She was the actress of our group. Usually the step sisters were the villains in the story, but that wasn't the case here. Ginny Tanner and Lexi-Ann Tanner were the closes thing I had to family that I knew of. "Lexi is in the bathroom." She told me as I was about to ask.

"Thought maybe she had gone to look for me." I told her with a grin. I picked my glass up as its placed in front of me, taking a sip of it as I pulled back and swirled it around a bit. It was just how I liked it, shaken not stirred. James Bond had it right there.

"Nah, she was hitting up the cuties over there, but apparently she's not good enough for them." I furrowed my brows at her. Lexi was gorgeous, her pale blue eyes contrasting from her dark hair had boys crawling to her. Not to mention her killer body. Both Ginny and Lexi had killer body's, but Lexi had the curves where Ginny was more the brains between the two. I looked over to the men she was telling me about to see non-other than Captain America and the Winter Soldier. I quickly adverted my gaze and placed my hand over my eyes. "What is it? Do you know them?" She noticed my suspicious act right away.

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