The Witching Hour - Part Two

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Sorry it took so long but the next half is done hope you all enjoy, remember if you like the story fan, vote and dont be shy to leave a comment happy reading :)

Long peaceful hours had passed by slowly as if time was stretching itself to grant Drake’s wish to have her in his arms a little longer, he held her tenderly while she slept in his loving secret embrace as her head lay just below his collar bone. For hours he held her in his arms as he watched her sleep with utter bliss in his embrace but with each passing hour that went by, he wondered whether she would wake up in his arms from hearing his loud beating heart that pounded in his chest for her. Uncertain how she would react if she woke up he gently removed his arms from around her, and started to remove her gently off of him as he stood up and laid her down the couch on her side. He brushed away a few locks of her hair away from her face so he could gaze upon her face once more, before he sat on opposite couch putting his feet up as he began to lay down on his side facing Juliana as he begun to shift himself to get more comfortable. For a few moments as he lay on his side quietly as he laid his hooded head on his arm while he continued to watch her breath while she slept, he soon found himself drifting off to sleep.

Outside the carriage the night had dawned and had remained still and silent only the hooting of wise awake owls and the songs of crickets could be heard among the still trees and the grass. Streaming rays of all different lengths and widths of pure translucent white moonlight streamed down from the gaps of the trees lighting even the darkest parts of the forest. Arland’s leafy vines and branches remained covering the carriage from the top of the roof to the rounded edges of the wheels. 

Slowly Juliana began to quietly toss and turn from lying on her back to laying back on her side again, facing the back rest of the couch where her nose was an inch away from the golden buttons that was embedded in the fabric of the back rest. As soon as she lay back on her side she began to wake up slowly when she opened her eyes she stared dreamily at the golden buttons that were an inch away from her nose. She stared at them feeling dazed as she blinked her eyes continuously she lifted herself slightly and slowly before sitting up and rubbing the sand from her eyes, she started to remember when Drake was soothing her and with that thought she felt her cheeks become warm and rosy. Feeling the heat of her cheeks becoming warmer and redder and remember how Drake comforted her to get her to sleep, she bent her legs slightly resting her elbows on her knees placing her hands on her rosy cheeks. While she was thinking she heard someone quietly breathing near her and as she quickly turned her head to the side, and there laying opposite was Drake fast asleep laying on his back his arm lying over his stomach while his other arm was folded underneath his head. The hood of his cloak was down revealing his masked face of fur, thorns and feathers that had always curiously puzzled her for she longed to see what he looked like beneath the mask he never removed.

She stared at his masked face she silently got off of the couch kneeling on the carpeted floor and crouched slowly towards him until she sat on her legs in front of him, where she continued to stare at his slumbering state as she stared closely at his mask. And without thinking or realising what she was about to do as she felt her curiosity take control, her hand slowly began to raise from her side and move towards Drake’s mask as she wanted to sneak a quick look at his face as she slowly reached towards a small part of the mask. Just before she could touch it as her fingertips were an inch away Drake’s head sharply turns to the other before turning his head back, she flinched back slightly as panic struck her by his sudden movement allow her hand stayed where it was. Even though this was her only chance to reveal his true face she felt guilty as her conscience gets the better of her, as she stares at Drake’s peaceful closed eyes she reverted her hand back to her side. ‘I must be an awful person she thought to do such a thing to him, how could I even consider it. Of all the tenderly things he has done for me, I wished to for fill my selfish curiosity without considering his feelings. I would be breaking a trust of privacy and I do want Drake to distrust me.’ 

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