she touched her head then pointed to his own,

"saw, hear inside" she explained,

Ethan slowly composed himself and sighed, he walked down stairs, went to the living room and sat down as he wiped the blood with a tissue paper, he heard the soft limping of the angel woman and she went over to him,

" how do you do that?" he wisphered to her in wonder,

she smiled and answered,

" angel power" she whispred back to him,

"what are you really?" Ethan asked again,

" guardian angel" she smiled but was soon wiped off as she remembered her predicament,

" i go back up heaven" she tried to explain herself to him,

he look at her cautiously, he still felt that he was not secure with her,

" so your not a fallen angel? but how?" he asked,

" and you went through my head! how did you do that?" he kept asking her question making her nervous and anxious,

" I....I don't know how" she said,

he sighed getting up still not convinced,

" I don't know how to feel about all this but you need to leave as soon as possible" he said in frustration,

" you can't be close to someone like me i'm no good for you, so go back to heaven where you belong" he said taking his car keys getting out of the house slaming the front door on his way out.

Rayna sighed and got up, she couldn't lie and say that when he said to leave it didn't hurt her, she felt a small pang in her chest, she was all new to this pain that she felt inside, she didn't know how to deal with,

" Almighty God what is happening? please show me the way I've never felt so impotent here on earth" she cried out,

how can the most powerful guardian angel fell so powerless,

she laid down on the couch and meditated trying to heal her wounds as much as possible but it was all useless, all her powers could do was to closed up most of the deep wounds but she felt more weak, she couldn't understand why she couldn't at least gain strength, every time she tried meditating to gain strength all she felt was more weakness taking over her whole body which was aching and it was making her more frustrated and sleepy, the human told her to leave and it pained her very much,

she used her remaining strength and went upstairs to take a nap before getting ready to leave the house.

time seemed to pass quickly when Rayna had woken up, she went to the closet of Ethan to look for a comfortable clothing, she took out a t shirt, a hoodie, sweatpants and clean boxers, she walked to the bathroom and looked around to understand how to clean herself up, she saw the shower and remembered how to use it so she stripped and went inside the shower with a bit of difficulty but she managed, she opened the water and it was cold but she didn't mind, she looked around and saw a bar soap she took it and smelled it, she smiled at it because it was the same smell that the human smelt of,

She rubbed it all over her body, she glanced as the spongy and fluffy thing but she didn't know what it was used for so she left it there, after feeling well cleaned avoiding causing more damage to her injury she closed the tap of the shower and got out, she looked for something to dry herself she looked around and saw the white towel hanging close to the door, after drying herself she put on the clothes she picked from Ethan's closet, she grabbed the booths that where close to his closet and put them on, it was slightly bigger but it will do for her, she walked to the front door with sadness washing over her.

Rayna's POV

i walked out of the house and closed it as a tear fell down my eyes,

" i didn't even tell him goodbye properly" i thought out loud,

i limped out of the house and began my journey back to the spot where i fell.

i really didn't know where i was going but i felt that i was going in the right part so i kept going, it's getting really cold out here, i shrieved at the cold ,unfortunatly i was not use to this type of weather and it was already dark out here but i could clearly see as my eyes shines like a tourch, i was not afraid to walk out here alone but i couldn't help the sad thoughts that clouded my mind.

i kept going till i saw dried blood on the floor, i looked around me and i saw the ground all destroyed, i winced as i thought of the pain i went throught and a sob slipped my lips as all the memmories rushed to my head like a storm, i slowly kneeled down sobbing, I miss you brother, I miss you mother and father, I miss you Uncle, I wisphered out loud hoping that they at least feel me somehow.

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