save me :: muke

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first one im excited are you excited bc im excited woo


so this first one is kind of terrible ok I apologize if I cause you any second hand embarrassment


luke slowly regained conciousness, yawning and automatically reaching over to pull the man he had slept with last night closer to himself. what could he say, he loved to cuddle.

but, of course, like all cliche morning afters, he came up short, grasping nothing but sheets. with an exasperated sigh, luke unwillingly uncovered his legs, pushing the blanket towards the other side of the bed.

he stood up and raised his arms above his head, standing up on his tip toes, a groan escaping his mouth as he stretched.

"that has got to be one of the hottest things ive ever seen," luke heard a voice behind him say. he gasped and turned around, automatically covering his naked manhood.

upon looking closer at the unexpected intruder, luke realized it was the man he had been with the previous night. alfred, maybe? upon looking even closer, he realized that the stranger was also naked. and hung like a whale. (I couldnt resist the temptation I had to say it im sorry)

all of a sudden, the man began walking over to him. (was it albert? alfonso? ashley?) he automatically began backing up, as that what usually happens in cliche stories. he then stopped and said to himself, ive had sex with this man .

"well, ive got to get going," the man (who luke would now refer to as sexy kangaroo man) said, moving around luke and throwing on the clothes on the floor behind him, which he hadnt noticed. "ive got things to do, people to see, you know, the usual cliche excuses."

before luke could respond, sexy kangaroo man had walked out the door, out of his life forever. sad, luke thought. he was attractive.

suddenly, lukes phone rang. he quickly walked over to it, shaking his head, as if to clear his thoughts. without looking at who it was, luke answered the phone.

"hola bueno, " he said, using his usual greeting. (my grandma always says that lmao)

"um... luke? can you come pick me up? im sort of in an alley way and I sort of dont know how I got here and im sort of scared because theres sort of a group of men that are sort of kind of close to me, " a familiar voice whispered on the other line.

luke, knowing exactly who it was, just sighed and hung up, quickly pulling on his clothes and grabbing his keys, all the while mumbling curses under his breath.


"thank you so so so so so fucking much, luke. I swear I thought I was gonna get raped. I dont want to be raped. im only 19. not that age matters during rape. but still imagine me being raped. jesus christ. I swear I woul-"

"michael can you please shut the fuck up for a second? thanks, " luke said, leading the colorful haired boy into his house, shutting the door behind him.

leaving michael in the foyer, luke quickly walked to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. he was having quite an eventful day.

while luke was drinking, michael walked into the kitchen. luke was stood in the middle of the room, chugging a glass of water, his head tilted back, his adams apple moving up and down with each gulp. a drop of water slipped out of the corner of his mouth, running smoothly over his sharp jaw, and over his jugular. michael shivered with anticipation and walked over to the blonde.

luke set down the glass, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and finally looking up to make eye contact with his friend. before he could so so, however, a pair of lips collided with his.

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