"His majesty got really lucky with this one."

"They look so in love!"

San rolled his eyes at the not-so-hushed whispers flowing through the room. He wanted to laugh at the irony of the situation. Oh boy, only if they knew the truth...

Everyone eventually went back to dancing with their partners. San looked at Wooyoung who's face looked like a freshly riped tomato.

The close proximity of their bodies was extremely uncomfortable. He looked down to stare at Wooyoung and the princes glared at each other, without batting an eye.

San gripped is waist waist a little too tightly. Wooyoung pursed his lips and purposely stepped on San's foot. San winced.

"Oh! My sincere apologies, Your Highness." Wooyoung whispered, with a sardonic smile. San wanted to punch that smirk off his face.

"Do not test me, Jung." He warned, clutching his waist harshly, while still moving along the beat.

Wooyoung scoffed and rolled his eyes. "What are you going to do about it?"

San inched his face closer to the younger, his mouth dangerously near Wooyoung's ear.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to know." He whispered, suddenly lifting their interwined hands to spin Wooyoung on his feet. Wooyoung yelped at the sudde  movement. He clutched San's shoulders to balance himself after the abrupt spin. San placed both his hands on the younger boy's waist, steadying him.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Do you even know how to dance?"

Wooyoung looked offended at the accusation. "Of course I know how to dance. Who do you think I am?"

San smirked. "Your wobbly spin says otherwise."

Wooyoung looked at him in disbelief. "You did not even give me a heads up and suddenly spun me. How am I supposed to prepare myself?" He retarted, his eyes wide.

San rolled his eyes. "All I hear are excuses." He spun him once more and Wooyoung moved gracefully this time, spinning twice on his toes before gripping the older's shoulders to hault himself. Wooyoung glanced at him with satisfaction.

San hated to admit it but he looked like a pretty good dancer but he would never confess it out loud of course. They danced for some time, San's hands on the small of his back and Wooyoung holding his shoulders as they moved swiftly across the room. To anyone looking, the sight looked quite romantic but the death glares being sent to each other said otherwise.

The agonizing waltz finally ended and both the royals sprung away from each other, wiping their hands on the fabric of their clothes as if they had been burnt by the other's touch. San exhaled exhaustedly.

The emperor stood up and the room fell silent, everyone looked at him expectantly.

"I would like to thank everyone here for gracing this auspicious occasion with your presence. It was indeed a splendid evening. I reckon you all are quite exhausted, so without wasting another second let me request our guards to escort you to the banquet hall where the royal feast is prepared especially for today's guest. Please enjoy yourselves." He declared, signaling the guards to carry the task. The guards bowed and motioned the crowd to follow them.

Once the ballroom was entirely empty, the empress broke into a wide grin and rushed down the stairs to engulf Wooyoung in a bone-crushing hug. Wooyoung let out a surprised squeak but embraced her back nonetheless.

Yunho and Seonghwa walked up to them. For a moment Wo
San thought a war would break out right there and then, the way they stared at each other. Surely, the years of hatred and enmity wouldn't just vanish in thin air. The silence was too loud and the emperor stared at Yunho who did not falter under his gaze.

Wooyoung cleared his throat and attempted to smile.

"My older brother, Yunho." He said, pointing at the said male. The emperor merely nodded. Of course, he knew who he was. Wooyoung looked embarrassed. San wanted to laugh.

It was Yunho who broke the silence and stepped forward, bowing slighty.

"I hope we can slowly but surely set aside our differences and live in prosperity and peace in the years to come." He said smiling politely.

Pin drop silence.

Everyone were tensed.

The emperor stood there silently for whole seven seconds, which felt like seven years. Until he finally spoke.

"Certainly." That was all he said and left the ballroom.

Yunho frowned and Seonghwa looked as impassive as ever. The empress sensed the tense atmosphere and decided to divert their attention.

"Oh! You look absolutely gorgeous, son! Doesn't he, San?" She turned to look at San who gave her an unimpressed smile. The mentioned boy eyed Wooyoung up and down uninterestingly.

"I do not know. He looks alright, I suppose." He shrugged, nonchalantly. San's mother rolled her eyes tiredly.

"Do not pay heed to him. You look stunning today." She smiled at him, her eyes crinkling at the corner. Wooyoung chuckled covering his mouth. San watched as his ears turned a bright red at the compliment.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. You look quite splendid if I say so myself." Wooyoung said earning a light slap on the shoulder.

"Call me mother. You are my son now." She replied. Wooyoung nodded shyly. San looked at the supposedly shy man in front of him. He laughed in disbelief. Only if his mother knew how sly her son-in-law really was.


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