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Chapter 121

When they came, An Ran and Liu Yuan already had the intention to kill Ren Xian. At this moment, An Ran did not hesitate. Before Ren Xian had time to react, An Ran resisted Ren Xian and pushed Ren Xian to go. Back.

Bend her hand, lifted the clothes behind her back, drew out her ex-husband's iron-shaved saber from the waist, and stabbed directly into Ren Xian's temple.

The typical method of killing zombies is clean and neat!

No one had taught An Ran, she had found it out slowly.

As for Ren Xian, he stared like that, as if he hadn't reacted yet. He grabbed the baton in his hand and fell directly on the threshold of the office. He fell heavily, his head tilted, and his eyes widened. Looking at the door of the lounge.

In the door, she had been lying on the bed, thin and not in human form, Xiaomei slowly sat up with her whole body wounds and numb face, her lifeless eyes stared at Ren Xian's.

On the edge of the square, Liu Yuan looked back and saw that An Ran had killed Ren Xian. She did not hesitate anymore and rushed towards Yun Tao. Now Ren Xian is dead, and her strength is now as strong as a tiger. No matter how powerful Yun Tao is, she directly picked up Yun Tao and crushed it, which is something she can do.

However, before Liu Yuan rushed to Yuntao, Yuntao on the side of the car turned around, propped An Ran's car with one hand, and faced Liu Yuan who was rushing with her feet, and came to Foshan. Shadow Foot... directly kicked Liu Yuan, who had no martial arts skills and had only brute force, and smashed into the green belt, flying far.

In the distance, the cry of a child rang, An Ran took the saber in her hand and rushed towards Liu Yuan two steps, listening to her, it seemed as if a baby was crying, and her footsteps suddenly felt like something bad in her heart. The hunch came out, but at this time the two of them had been discovered by Yuntao. If Yuntao is not resolved at this time, there will be endless troubles.

So An Ran jumped over the bushes with a knife and ran directly in the direction of Yun Tao. Yun Tao stepped forward, turned around and kicked the knife out of An Ran's hand, then bent over, holding An Ran's clothes with one hand. The collar, one hand hugged An Ran's thigh, raised An Ran, turned around in place, and smashed An Ran on the marble floor.

She landed on the ground and felt that her internal organs had been displaced. The baby's crying was getting closer to her ears. She gritted her teeth and spit out a saliva with orange bloodshots. She looked up and just saw it. Yun Tao rode on Liu Yuan, and was holding Liu Yuan's hands with one hand, and the other pinching Liu Yuan's neck.


A childish voice sounded at this moment, and the baby's cry was also close at hand. An Ran, who fell on the ground, looked up and saw Hengheng, holding the crying baby, from the green He ran over at the end of the path, and the little head of the doll, which had no strength, was held up and down by Heng Heng. It was so pitiful that the two children were about to enter the square.

"No, Hengheng, go away!!!"

Liu Yuan, who was pinched, struggled frantically under Yuntao. She desperately broke away from Yuntao's hand and hit Yuntao's body with her mouth. Yelled,

"Don't hurt my son, don't hurt my son."

Yun Tao did not move, pinched Liu Yuan's neck with one hand, and didn't use force, one leg was pressed firmly on Liu Yuan's body, letting Liu Yuan go. Fans him crazy, his expression is dumb, and the emotions in his eyes are slowly flowing.

Handbook of Raising a Baby in the Last DaysOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant