An un-perfect life

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Ok well you might think I'm pretty and all but that doesn't make me have a perfect life like in those fairy tales. I have an annoying sister, a mom that's too supportive, and a lousy brother.
{2nd day of school}
Aside from my family, everything is fine. OMG, did you hear about the news,Jessica and chad like TOTALLY BROKE UP!! I mean that's just COLD! They were such a great couple. School finally started and I was just heading into 1st period. History was the first class. Boring! So, instead of learning I was passing notes to different types of dorks. One of the notes said-hey! I got a call from DORK land and they said they want their BRAIN back! Classic! I know it makes no sense but when you know that my blonde made that up, it makes perfect sense. 2nd period was a whole lot worse. We had to dissect frogs for science with no partner to do all the work for you which was TOTALLY NOT convenient. So, I had to see the little gooey things that, I guess, are called organs. All I gotta say is: EWWWW!! How can you stand to see such a thing? UN-BEL-IEVE-A-BLY YUCKY!
You don't know how embarrassed I was to see my brother come to sit at MY table. Who does he think he is? That's Wrong, just wrong. My girlfriends were just like: OMG, nerd alert! Oh gosh, help me...I don't want cu-cu-cuddies! AHHHH! I'm gonna get like,extreme sick! And I was like: Girls, let me handle this. Leave, bro. Like, now. FOR REALSIES! Then I got rid of my bro and I was like, a hero. But then my brother brought his crew to fight us girls.Bu-by-but were GIRLS!
I don't wanna explain all the details so let me just tell you what happened after: me and my brother got sent home with bruises. I got hand bruises, and he got heel bruises. LOGIC! Anyways, he got grounded for hurting a girl and I got the newest phone for a prize. I STILL new that it was partially my fault so I shared my phone with my bro sometimes. SOMETIMES only!
This morning I woke up to a-AHHHH!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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