~ Everything until the end of our fingertips ~

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It there was anything Hyunjin loved more than anything, It would be the forest.

It was his greatest treasure, the place he held close to his heart. A place that was more home than anything.

It was where he was born, where he was nurtured, where he grew. It was a part of him he couldn't lose, a part that was like his heart, beating and strengthening him so he lived.

And there was a reason it was so special.



The tall brunette human walked through the lush green grass, flowers blooming in the crevices of the dirt path. He took off his shoes, walking into the deeper part of the forest barefoot, the wetness of the soil making him smile.

He stopped infront of an old willow tree, smiling eve wider when he saw white flowers blooming on some of the branches. He looked around the tree, walking in a circle and sighing when he saw nothing.

"Lixie? Where are you?" The human called out, and there was a silence around him, not a single sound in the misty air. 

Hyunjin let out a chuckle, sitting down at the root of the tree and gently touching the bark of the tree.

"Stop hiding, Lixie. I know you're here." 

There was a frustrated sound from behind the tree, and a huge gust of wind blew all over the area, blowing Hyunjin's hair in all sorts of directions. There was a flash of light from inside the tree, and flowers bloomed from the branches of the tress till the roots, vines growing all over the bark that Hyunjin touched before.

Someday you'll get used to it

"You're no fun." A voice said from behind Hyunjin, making the taller male jump in surprise, chuckling at his own folly.

"A hello would be nice." Hyunjin said, turning around and facing the voice, smiling.

There, infront of Hyunjin stood a magical creature, vines covering his hands like a bracelet. Flowers loomed the blonde strands of his hair, wrapping around it like a crown. He had two antlers perched on his head, brown and sturdy. His white dress trailed over the soil underneath, his legs hidden in a white vapor. His eyes were a warm green, glossed and shiny. He had freckled littered all over his pink blushed cheeks, his warm smile welcoming Hyunjin.

"Hello, then. It's been a while since you last visited." Felix said, frowning at the end.

"I had things to attend to." Hyunjin explained shortly, walking towards the magical creature.

Felix hummed, nearing the human, his fists clenched uncomfortably.

"You can hug me, you know?" Hyunjin said, and Felix looked up with wide eyes, letting out a yelp when Hyunjin sighed, pulling the forest spirit into his embrace.

"I missed you..." Hyunjin said, whispering it in the spirit's ear.

"I missed you too, the forest became awfully lonely without you." The spirit whispered back, pulling back from the hug and placing a shy kiss to the the taller's cheek.

It'll be okay if you walk around busy

Hyunjin smiled, his hand coming to rub the spot. It was cold, yet warm at the same time. 

Felix gave a knowing smile, floating away from the human, Hyunjin watching him in curiosity.

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