Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

'I pushed her. I almost hit her Conrad. I broke the window. She's scared of me Conrad. She saw me and ran. She ran from me Conrad.'

'George. You are never to hit a woman. If there was anything I had in faith where you are concerned it was that. What is happening to you George? You are not the man I know.'

'She drives me crazy Conrad. Her beautiful eyes, her lips, her hair. Everything about her drives me crazy. I know she will never be fully mine, but I want her to. Now with Angelo alive...'

'We do not know for sure,' Conrad interrupted.

'If he is, I have lost my wife.'

Claire came busting into the room with two ladies in tow holding trays. One had food the other had a liquid. George was in dire need of alcohol. He prayed it was some sort of whiskey. 'Thank you ladies,' Claire motioned them to leave. She sat down next to him and was rewarded with a disapproving look from her husband.

'George dear, what is the matter?'

'He almost hit his wife.'

George was expecting sympathy from Claire, but she was never one to disappoint. He felt her hand on the back of his head before she gave him a hug. 'You never raise your hand to a woman George, not even when she hurts you.'

'She's going to leave me,' he buried his head in his hands.

'Of course she will, if you hit her she will leave. I was under the impression you had a happy home.'

Lord Conrad knew not how to help his friend. 'We will be travelling soon George. It will give her enough time to forgive you.'

'I will stay with her.'

'Here?' he asked.

'Here, there. I have known you for quite some time George and I know you are not a bad man, not entirely. I know you have a heart full of love I wish sometimes you would stop being so pig headed and accept the fact that you are in love. Trolloping with that pathetic tramp of a woman, inviting her into your home in your wife's presence. What on earth were you thinking George? Do you expect her not to hang onto the memory of one who did love her, the one who showed her respect and put her above all other things. The one who died for her. If Angelo is truly alive she will leave you the first chance she gets.'

'Claire,' Lord Conrad looked at his wife in disbelief. Here was a man suffering and all she could do was scold him senseless.

'Don't Claire me Conrad, you know I am right. That is not how marriage works. I know you had not planned on it but you are in it George. Show the woman some respect. If you do not want to love her then leave her for a man who will.'

'Do you know what people say of a woman who is divorced?' George imagined all of England would talk of it. He married the maid and she dissatisfied him.

'It is much better than what they say of women whose husband holds mistresses as far as Spain.'

'My wife has quite the tongue George. I hate her for it and sometimes she speaks to me and I pray I couldn't hear. She is far too independent minded and opinionated. She doesn't need me, but I love her. Marriage is about compromise. We are different people George and we are not always happy. But we love each other. I could not imagine a world without her.' Lord Conrad held such a loving look in his eyes when he spoke of Claire.

'Talk to her George. Do not assume she knows your every move. Your every thought. Do not tell her she doesn't understand when you do all that you can not to be understood. Conrad and I, today I love him more than I did yesterday because we communicate. He tells me what I do wrong and I tell him what he does wrong. The difference between marriages that last and the ones that don't, how willing are you to work through a tough time?' Claire kissed his forehead. 'Eat. I suppose she has refused to cook because of that whorish nature of yours.'

'Claire!' Lord Conrad said quite authoritatively.

'I'm sorry dear, but you are friends and yet you never tell each other the truth.'

Annabelle was glad to have the whole estate to herself for a few hours. She had been informed George had called on Lord Conrad and his wife and he would not be back until supper time. She walked through the halls thinking of her life.

She walked through the gardens and breathed in the fresh air. 'Annabelle,' she turned around to the voice.

"Sir Ashton?' He looked like had been running. She was quite sure if he had come behind her she would have heard him. 'How...?'

'Please Anna I have not much time. Your husband's life is in danger. Lord Markham.' There was a noise from behind Sir Ashton.'

'Ashton,' Lady Annabelle followed his gaze.

'Tell your husband not to leave. I must go.'

'Ashton wait!' She was running behind him. He stopped at the boundaries of George's property. 'Angelo, is he alive?'

'Yes, Annabelle, that is what I have heard. A woman named Beatrice is keeping a man no one recognizes and he matches Angelo's description. One too many times I have seen him in the markets.'

'Good Lord,' her legs gave way.

'No Annabelle,' Sir Ashton pulled her back up. 'Angelo is safe. Lord Markham does not know he is alive and well. For now do what you must to keep your husband from leaving.'

'Why? Why are you doing this? You hate him.'

'I hate him because he married you Annabelle, not because of who he is. The same way I hated Angelo.' He pulled her close to him and let his lips touch hers. It was so familiar almost like they had never been apart. 'I will always love you Anna. Keep him safe.'

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