## 33

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Kim Minji
12:04 AM

Hello? This is Ryuha.

Duh, you know that

Anyways, Im sending this to you bcs I know you're sleeping and you ain't gonna budge no matter what I do, call or wtv

So anyway umm Im going to tell you through text

everything that happened a while ago

since u're on vacation

darn u rlly shldve been here

you shouldve seen what happened earlier

tho idk if its also part of his plan, not making u go to school

so here goes the long message bear with me

i go to school in the morning, see, im groggy and all that. suddenly some guy i know, park jisung? idk but hes our classmate. he comes up to me, gives me a flower and says "you look beautiful today." and im like ???? tf is going on.

you see i wasnt really analyzing all this. i just took the flower, thanked him and boom thats that

LOL you think? nah man theres WAY more things that happened after

next was another classmate of ours, a guy, taehyun. the one with large eyes and sings love songs like hes divorced in the cafeteria? yea thats him. he gave me another flower and said "ur such a lovely person. ive always wanted to talk to you!" i said thanks tho deep inside i knew he talked to EVERYONE lol.

anws, dude after dude came next. even those ive never talked to suddenly came up to me with a flower and compliments. jeez it aint my bday? boi i swear i felt like i did smth wrong or i was like u know that person who's being betted (?) on. i was expecting sunghoon to pop out since u know he hasnt talked to us for a while and say, "this was all a bet to make u fall in love with me" that cliche stuff.

lol and it actually did happen.

nah kidding, it didn't. we're not in some disney movie, thats just disgusting.

next came the girls. i thought only the guys were involved but apparently all the girls, even that one girl i always teased for looking like an elementary student.

yeojin yeah. altho i sensed she was a wee bit forced to treat me properly, we had a fine time. they gave me accessories and other stuff.

during break ningning, that girl who screeches every minute, came up front and called out my name. she went "this is 4 u, seo ryuha."


thats literally my fave song of all time! i mean, no, it's horrible but hearing it somehow give me a sense of...idk teenage romance? Euh

second song was you are my sunshine. u know how much that song means to me and i bet u told ningx2 this. lastly, definitely uncalled for, was total eclipse of the heart

so its lunch time yea? the lady serving food gave me a whole plate full of carbonara and blueberry cheesecake for dessert like BRO its like all the tears i shed for sunghoon turned into luck

i ate it while ppl stared at me (with jealousy i assume). it was really great, wish i couldve shared it with u and jake, wherever the 2 of you are

so by the end of school, i was suddenly pulled by another grp of girls, our classmates. they dolled me up, made me
wear a dress that came straight out of pinterest and put some soft floral scented perfume, the one ive been dying to buy cause i often smell like spoiled milk

i went to my locker to pick up or drop some stuff when i suddenly saw a card inside. It said, rejoins-moi à la gare. dang french really sent tingles to my skin.

anw i didnt know what it meant and neither did the person who wrote it so in the bottom there was a translation that said "meet me at the train station". theres only one station around here, a subway, so i knew right away what the person was talking abt.

i walked to the school entrance, flowers given by the boys in one hand. idk what kind of sick plan was this but the hallways, when i passed, were filled with our classmates spraying artificial snow powder. not a single teacher was in sight
BOI that was def weird.

nothing out of the ordinary happened while i was walking to the station.

the station part was definitely the most out of ordinary

I'll tell u that thru call or when we meet bcs man i can't just tell you abt the most beautiful moment in my life so far through text.

tease ➫ park sunghoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora