Chapter 6

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That day as all of them sat at breakfast VA told them that her brother Vishal Khanna was coming to meet her as they couldn't celebrate Raksha Bandhan together.
Avneet told Ashi that Vishal was a really nice person. He was very kind and sweet.
After breakfast, VA got ready in cleaning the mansion and getting it ready for her brother's arrival.
Vaishnavi offered to help, but VA asked her to let it be and asked Abhishek to go and show her his paintings instead.
Mallika, Ashi, Avneet, Sumedh and Sid then decided that they could go for a walk in the gardens.
Avneet was the happiest. Sumedh was happy too, he loved nature and knew a lot about the garden and the different plants present in it.
Mallika was very excited too! She took after Avneet and her love for plants.
So then, all of them went to the garden and started inspecting the plants.
However, after an hour or so, VA asked them to come back and get ready as Vishal Uncle would be here any time.
They all went and got freshened up. Ashi saw that Vaishnavi was missing. So she decided to go and find her. Sid came too.
When they went in the room where Abhishek kept his paintings, they saw that Abhishek and Vaishnvavi looked as if they were lost in each other's eyes. It seemed as though her was teaching her how to paint.
Ashi and Sid saw this and were in awe. They silently laughed. Then they went and broke the day dream.
Abhinavi looked embarrassed and left.
SidAshi looked at each other and smiled.

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