Entry Number Sixty-Six (3/11/2011)

Start from the beginning



I'm on the Desktop now, and I found out what the problem was. The connection was all crappy. Dunno why, and I dunno how I fixed it, but it's better now.

So really, it was pointless to get off the Laptop and on the Desktop, but I'm too lazy to switch back again. Anyway, I'm gonna get back to watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer now.



Okay, I'm done watching that, and now I'm gonna start reading my manga. Also, I think mum and Mark just got home.



Nevermind, mum would have made more noise. It was dad.



Kraft Dinner=Yumz

If you're wondering why I've been eating so much Kraft Dinner of March Break, it's because mum's in PEI and she's the one who makes the meals. Kraft Dinner is pretty much the only meal dad makes. Other than pizza, but that's more expensive and doesn't always taste good.

Almost done reading all of my manga.



I'z back on laptop XD

Talkin' to mah friend(and ex) Justin L. on MSN. I barely ever go on MSN, because it distracts me from what I'm doing, whether it's reading manga or watching anime.



I was watching AirMaster while talking to Justin, but I got bored of it. I might copy the convo w/ justin later and put it on here. I'll have to change his last name a lot though. I might be too lazy to, so I dunno if I'll put it up here.



I think I'm gonna go back to watching ANTM now... when I finish talking to Justin.



Just finished talkin' to him. Gonna talk to him more when(or if) I get bored. So yeah... ANTM time!(DUHnuhnuhnuh nuhnuh nuhnuh can't touch this. Don't know where that came from, but whatever)

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