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Today was a big day...Tori and Kehlani plus their teams were meeting up in Scooter Braun's office to discuss the epic collaboration possibly "the collaboration of the year" the label team hoped but knew it was gonna be a smash even when they have 0 ideas for the song or songs...everyone knew it was going to be FIRE ASF! —————-
Tori walked downstairs to her kitchen and grabbed a protein bar plus her favorite iced matcha 🧋then said goodbyes to her fur babies and left in her Tesla...her phone rang, it was her hubby Andre. She answered it "Hey Dre, what's up? ——————————
A: Aye! Nothing much just with the guys playing golf, wbu?
T: Fun! I'm headed to Scooter's office rn and we're going to discuss the Kehlani collaboration and music basically;)
A: That's so dope T! I'm so proud of you going out here and doing what you love and working with some legends👍🏻❤️
T: Aweee, thx babe! Okay I'll see u later👋🏻
A: Love uuuu, bye
The call ended and Tori pulled up to SB Projects (scooter's office) and parked her Tesla in a free spot. Kehlani was just locking her car until she spotted Tori walking to the front door of the building then Kehlani waved her down
Tori looked back and laughed
T: AYEEE! You ready for this meeting!?
K: Hell yesss! Let's gooo...she cheered then they both walked in and told the girl at the front desk who they were
T: Hello, we're here for the meeting with Scooter Braun please:)
The girl paused her call and pointed to the hall on the right "his office is on the right"
Tori and Kehlani said thanks and walked on, Kehlani looked back at the girl and winked at her tryna flirt 🤣the girl waved back almost about to faint...
Tori dialed up scooter and told him "we're here" then T and K reached his office, Scooter opened the door "welcome ladies" he shot a smile and sat back down in his office chair and sipped his water. Kehlani looked around to see the room full of her team along with Tori's and some producers then sat next to her manager as Tori did the same...
SB: Okay everyone lets discuss the music shall we!
"Yes" everyone replied
Kehlani started speaking...
K: Sooo, I've been a fan of Tori for a minute now and when we met at the WIMAS( women in music awards) let me just say we both were star struck lol 😂 she's so amazing and talented, her performance was so inspiring and damn can you sing Tori!!!
Tori blushed and said "omg what! No way thanks sis"
SB: Facts! Okay Tori...
Tori looked around and then spoke to the room of people.
T: The same goes for Kehlani! She super talented and so dope! I was so down when she told me that she wanted to collab with me:)
Kehlani's manager stood up wanting to speak, Scooter pointed "go ahead David"
D: Yeah so I wanted to ask where do we wanna record it?
SB: We've got Capitol Studios booked for however long it takes for the song or songs...Tori mentioned that she would also like to feature Kehlani on her next album coming this fall? That sound good?
K:  I'm down dude!
D: Yesss, that's what I'm saying 😤💯
T: Sounds great guys! So when we doing these collaborations Lani!?
K: Let's take our time with the songs and shoot for a studio session Friday!
T: mmmkay let's go!

Collab Of The Year/ Tori Kelly and Kehlani Where stories live. Discover now