...But we did see one...

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Snatcher still stares at the hat. "All I saw was filthy boxtroll monsters."
Snatcher finally looks at the girls with an oily, false smile. "Miss Portley-Rind. Allow me to escort you home."
Snatcher leans down and offers his arm to (Y/N). She looked up at him with narrow eyes, "We, can escort ourselves, Mr. Snatcher, thank you very much"

(Y/N) says turning her body to face away from Snatcher, he gives a grunt of frustration and restraint, Winnie turns to collect the hat.

"If you'll just give me our father's hat back." Winnie grabs for the hat. Snatcher swishes it out of her reach and heads for the stairs into the Guild.

"Yes, but how did this hat finds itself aaaaall the way here?" He says climbing up the stairs,

(Y/N) looked down at a scolding-like look to Winnie, receiving a nervous smile from her as she runs after Snatcher,

"The....wind! Blew it, right out the window.. Very windy today" Winnie makes an excuse, Snatcher looks doubtful, he licks his finger and holds it up.

(Y/N) holds out her silk handkerchief and sees it not moving a single muscle, letting her sigh out from Winnie's excuse.

"Hmm.. Must've been died down..Suddenly!" Snatcher says, heading right at the front door, (Y/N) races up to the door and leans her hand to prevent from him to open it,

"Mr. Snatcher, sir, there's no need to go inside, Father is on a busy meeting" She politely growled,

"Oh, but as a gentleman, I insist" Snatcher shoves the girl out of the way, making her stumble backwards. He opens the doors, pushes his way into the foyer and approaches of the main stairs,

"Oh, Lord Portley-Rindd!" He called out,

Muffled voices of the White Hats stopped, "Did you hear something?" Lord Portley-Rind muffled voice asked,

Winnie and (Y/N) winces. The youngest turns to Snatcher who is admiring the white hat again, "Can I have the hat back now?"
Snatcher puts the hat behind his back, grins and pulls Winnie up the stairs by her wrist, toward the Tasting Room.
"Hey! Let my sister g—" (Y/N) threatens but Portley-Rind bursts out to see Snatcher ascending the stairs. "What in Gouda's name is going on? Archibald Snatcher?"

"Deepest apologies, your Lordship. But I found something out in the street that belongs to you."
Snatcher gestures behind him revealing a sheepish Winnie, (Y/N) behind them,

As he turns he also reveals the white hat. Portley-Rind rushes down the stairs to meet Snatcher half way and grabs the hat instead of his own daughter.

"My white hat!"

Both daughters looked stricken, As Portley-Rind pulls on the hat, Snatcher refuses to let it go, so they tug each other up and down the stairs.

"I'll take that... Now, now, Snatcher one doesn't acquire a white hat by simply picking it up off the street." Portley-Rind strainingly says and finally wins the tussle and grabs the hat back. He growls under his breath at the smudges left on the brim.

"A white hat indicates privilege, prestige, position! It must be earned." Portley-Rind emphatically says, He removes a handkerchief from his breast pocket and dabs at the hat's brim. From the top of the stairs the other Guild members chime in.

"With valor!"


"Or being rich, that's how I got it"

While they chatter, (Y/N) sighs out as she pulls Winnie down to her side, "This is why we don't disobey.."

"I know.. Sorry, (Y/N)" Winnie says, she looked up at her sister's face, who was holding up her tears with her biting her bottom lip,

"...(Y/N)?.." She softly calls out, resting a hand on her shoulder,

"I-It's fine, Winnie.. I just forgot..." She was interrupted by her sniffle as she wipes her tears on her eyes, "I just forgot how selfish he was.."

Winnie sighs out, "I know, (N/N).. Its alot to take in. People change at times like this, he'll be back to the Father you knew soon, I know it"

She calmly said for (Y/N) to calm down, her lips curling up to a small smile, "Thanks, Winnie.. I hope he will.."

"The wind, eh?" Lord Portley interrupted the girls, Winnie shot up her head to her father,

Portley-Rind looks at the two girls as Winnie frowns, "Father, I’m sorry—"

Snatcher then interrupted, "Sorry! Can’t stay. Too much work to do." He doffs his hat to (Y/N), who gave him a sharp glare, "Miss and Young Portley-Rind, your Lordship, Sirs. I bid you goodnight. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other again very, very soon."

Snatcher oozes out the door. Portley-Rind looks at his daughters and shakes his head and says exasperatedly, "Hmmmm.. Winnie... (Y/N)"

Winnie is about to defend for her sister and herself when Snatcher pops his head back in and points to his head.

"Don’t forget. I’m a size six-and-a half. Order ahead."

As he finally leaves, his hat gets caught in the door and he lets out a frustrated growl under his breath,

Winnie pleads her case from the foot of the staircase as the White Hats return to their cheese.

"Father, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.."

(Y/N)'s eyes widen and clears her throat to correct her words,

"I..uh.. Well, at first I did, but I think this situation offers a great opportunity for a father and
daughters to discuss their feelings—"

Portley-Rind rolls his eyes and turns back to the Tasting Room. (Y/N) hated to see her dear own father doing that

"WAIT! We saw something out there. A boy with boxtrolls, tell him (Y/—"

Lord Portley-Rind interrupted with a groan, "Not another word."

"But Father we did really—" (Y/N) races up her words but she was interrupted once more with his scold,


Portley-Rind shuts the door leaving his daughters alone. Winnie looks back towards the front doors as she gave a squeeze on her sister's arm.

"We did see a boy…"

(Y/N) sighs out, "I know, Winnie.. Its just that his business of himself, the White Hat and cheeses?" She lets out a gag, "Ugh, disgusting, it's too much. This is not the Father that I know and want.."

"I-I know, (N/N)... Its... really hard for us.."

(Y/N) and Winnie stands there at the stairs for a few minutes of silence, the eldest clears her throat,

"W-Well, enough about that, we have a Madam Frou-Frou show to watch tomorrow morning plus a party at night, we have a big day ahead of us." (Y/N) says in a cheerful-like tone, walking ahead back to their room

Winnie watches her walk to their room, a sad expression on her face, "Oh (Y/N)..." She whispers with pity and runs to catch up

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