I walk to my door and open it as Tyler walk out of the house. I closed the door and lock it. I put my house key in the back pocket of my jeans and walk towards Kyle's car, the one that I saw one night ago. I quickly walk to Tyler's car and went in. Gosh, I hate snow. Okay, I hate everything. I slam the door shut and wait for Tyler. He came in and sat down and then close the door.

"Where're we going?" I asked Tyler, who was reversing out of my driveway.

"Wendy's?" He asked.

"Yea, okay." So, I have to pay, again.


We went inside and to the counter. We, well I ordered the food while Tyler waits for me at the place we were sitting. Asshole. I payed the cashier and took the tray of food to the table. I saw him on his phone, again. He didn't  do anything when I was waiting for our food. Nothing at all. 

"Are you serious?" I snapped.

He looked up at me with a confused expression.

"What?" He asked as he unwrap his burger.

"What do you mean 'What?'? You didn't do anything at all! Sure, I don't mind paying the food for you but at least do something like take the straws or something!" I scolded him.

He chuckled. Why the fuck would you chuckle when someone's mad at you?! I stare at him in disbelief.

"You're like a girlfriend who's scolding her REALLY lazy boyfriend." He said while chuckling.

"Well, I am!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, so you're my girlfriend?" He asked seductively.

"Kinda. You're a boy and you're my friend. So, boyfriend." I explained.

"Yea. Whatever." He said and took a bite of his burger.

"Just go take the goddamn straw!" I shouted, making people look at us.

He chuckled, again.

"Okay, okay." He said and got up, walking pass me.

A few minutes later, yes, a few minutes later, he came from behind me and put the straws on the white table. 

"Here ya go." He said and kissed my forehead.

"YUCK!" I said and wiped my forehead furiously.

He placed a hand on his heart and mocked a sad expression.

"Ouch, girls would be dead by now if I kissed them on the forehead." He bragged.

"Yea, not me." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Come on, don't lie!" He said like a 5 year old boy.

"Child, I'm not like the other girls or what I like to call them, sluts." I said and turn to the right.

I saw a girl looking at Tyler. She was wearing a short pink skirt with a pair of skin colored leggings. For the top, she wore a fluffy jacket and she looked like she used every single make-up product. Literally. I turn my head back to Tyler and saw him eating, not even acknowledging the creepy girl that was staring at him.

"Well, there's one." I said and pointed to the girl.

He turn to the girl and gagged. I covered my mouth to keep me from laughing.

"You're so mean!" I whispered-shouted to him jokingly.

"Cake-face." He said. 

I smiled at him. He had a bit of ketchup at the corner of his pink, soft lips. I took his hand, making him  look at me weirdly and use it as a napkin to wipe his mouth. He closed his eyes tightly. I let go of his hand and he gave me the 'what the fuck' look. I shrugged my shoulders and start to eat.

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