The Rise of Tsuki

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(7 Years Ago)

Izuku snaps to attention when he hears a banging on his bedroom door.

"Izuku! Get your ass out here!" Inko shouts.

Izuku, the obedient child he is, climbs out of bed and opens the door. He doesn't get the chance to look up from the doorknob when an arm reaches through and grips tightly around his wrist.

"You're going to be late to school, brat," she spits. "I don't want another call from that damn principal of yours saying you were tardy again."

A light bruise starts to form on the boy's skin as his mother kicks him out the door, barely giving him enough time to reach for his backpack. The reason he's always late is because of Kacchan. His childhood friend is always picking a fight. Izuku doesn't understand why Kacchan hates him so much. They got along just fine until after he found out Izuku was quirkless. Does not having a quirk make him that much inferior to Kacchan?

Izuku walks down the driveway and in the direction of the school. What a great start to my eighth birthday, he thinks, rubbing his hand over the fresh bruise. The school is pretty far from his house, but he has to walk because his mom won't pay for him to take the train. Today, Izuku decides to take a different route, one that he thinks might get him there faster. 

Izuku passes a playground where Kacchan is picking on some other poor kid. He wonders what the kid did to offend the great Katsuki Bakugo. After Kacchan found out Izuku was quirkless, he told everyone at school and they shunned him. Izuku's dad left, too, though that was before he even turned two. His mom blames Izuku for his dad leaving. She blames him for being quirkless. She wanted her son to be a hero so she could leech off of him. It's a pity that the universe could give a rat's ass what the Midoriyas want.

Izuku makea a wrong turn and ends up walking down a sketchy backroad with a bunch of abandoned storage warehouses. There isn't anyone in sight so he makes the ingenious decision to check them out. The warehouses are almost all in good condition, just a bit overgrown with weeds and mold; some have a few holes in their roof. One of the warehouses, however, is surprisingly really nice. It isn't very big and everything is open so you can see if someone else is in there. Also, no mold! Izuku's mind starts running through all the things he can do to improve upon the place that he found. He could bring in some blankets and pillows, a mini-fridge, maybe a small desk-

Oh crap! He remembers he's supposed to be at school. His mom is going to kill him when she finds out he's late! Izuku swiftly exits the warehouse and sprints the rest of the way to school. He's twenty minutes late, which will earn him a call home. Shit.

The whole day Izuku dreads returning home. He's been late to school before, and the consequences are not pretty. If he's lucky he might be able to get away with scrubbing the bathroom or no dinner, but typically, he gets beaten until his mother is satisfied.

After class, Kacchan comes up to Izuku and steals his hero notebook. Kacchan flips through it, easily avoiding Izuku's desperate grabs for it, and tosses it out the window.

"Ha! How can you even dream of becoming a hero without a quirk you useless Deku? If you want a quirk so bad you could take a swan dive off the roof and hope you get one in your next life!" he laughs and saunters away. God, he's such a dick!

Izuku spends twenty minutes searching the ground for his notebook after Kacchan and his friends leave the grounds. It's a bit muddy and ripped, but not unreadable. He starts his walk home, mind wandering. 

Maybe he should jump. That would sure show Kacchan. It's not as if anyone is going to miss him, anyway.

Out of nowhere, a mass of sludge rises from a sewer drain, ripping Izuku from his thoughts. 

Vigilante, Not Villain (Undergoing editing-- Don't worry about it)Where stories live. Discover now