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I ran down the stairs, my near empty bags clenched in my frail hands. "COME ON YOU HOE THEY'RE WAITING FOR YOU." my cruel mother screamed. I reached the front door and noted the shiny black limo parked outside the house, ew how could this get any worse? With tears in my bright blue orbs I spun around, my luscious 20 feet blonde hair flying behind me in order to face my mother one last time. She was leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen arms crossed and watching me sternly.

"S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-SCREW YOU, Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU NEVER EVEN C-C-CARED ABOUT ME IN THE FIRST P-P-P-P-PLACE I BET YOU'RE A S-S-SS-SUSSY I-IM-IMPOSTER!!" I shouted with all the might my 4 foot tall body could muster. In response to this my step-mother grabbed me and threw me down the stairs, breaking 69 of my bones.

I screamed in agony as my mother picked me up again and carried me to the door, throwing me outside. "DAMN RIGHT YOU PISS BABY" she slammed the door. There were footsteps hurrying towards me and the faint smell of pine trees and testosterone... I could recognise that smell anywhere. It was Justin. My blue orbs shifted to look at him in all his sexy glory. W-w-w-w-wait! Did I just say s-s-s-s-sexy?! I blushed as Justin crouched down next to me and proceeded to lift my tiny body up in his strong muscly arms.

As he stood to his full height of 8'3 feet he spoke in a low alpha male-like voice "Hey baby girl you good? Rawr," he growled "That was a pretty bad fall, kitten." I tucked my flawless 43 feet long hair behind my ear and looked away, smiling lightly to hide the soul crushing pain. I am so misunderstood and edgy.

"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i'm a-alright" I giggled cutely. Justin let out a hum in response that was so low that it made me quiver. Without an further word he leaned down once again and picked up my bags in his other arm and carried me into the limo parked in the driveway.

We drove in comfortable silence. I glanced to my right and observed Justin who seemed to be deeply engrossed in the book he was holding out in front of him. I looked back out the window, watching people who walked on the sidewalk. To think, that none of these people know of the absolute giga chad and quirky unique girl who were in the car driving by them. Whatever, I bet they are the type to listen to Lady Gaga. Disgusting. 

Buildings, trees and fields passed by and in a while we had reached the gates of a enormous mansion surrounded by gorgeous gardens which were littered with several types of flowers, ranging from blood red roses to snow-white lilies. All of which looked to be extremely healthy, hinting at the fact that the blooms were carefully taken care of. A gruelling amount of effort must have been put in to maintain such delicate beauty. The sight near took my breathe away.

I looked over to Justin again and found him to be watching me and smiling lightly, a certain glint in his eye. Tearing my bright blue orbs away from his I blushed heavily and huffed. What a baka, looking at me like that!

But maybe my new life wouldn't be so bad after all... I never thought I would say this but. I'm glad my foster mother sold me for crack cocaine...

Little did I know.

What was to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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