Chapter10: The End

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It's been a few months and Quackity has left hospital after healing from the coma and his injuries

We are now able to get married

And obviously

George isn't invited

Technoblade's little sister insisted on being our flower girl and obviously we said yes

Tommy wanted some roll in this so I surprised him and asked him to walk me down the isle since both of our parents are busy with work

He said yes and don't tell him I told you but I caught him tearing up a little about it

Quackity chose Sapnap and Karl as his best man

I chose Nihachu and Puffy as my bridesmaids

Minister: Do you Quackity, take y/n as your lawfully wedded?
Quackity: I do

Tommy passed me Quackity's ring and I put it onto his finger

Minister: And do you Y/n take Quackity as your lawfully wedded husband?
Y/n: I do

Tommy passed Quackity my ring and he put it onto my finger

Minister: You may now kiss the bride

Me and Quackity kissed and everyone cheered

And again Tommy teared up

So did karl

Sapnap held back tears

Tubbo cried while ranboo patted his head while he gave the expression of a fed up dad

I'm glad everything worked out

We are all happy

Apart from George of course


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