
Start from the beginning


Ryan snapped his head up. He stood up quickly, knocking the chair over in the process. "Y/N, how are you feeling? I'm right here."

Your hand flew to your stomach. "The baby." You asked in a whisper. Fresh tears poured from Ryan's eyes. You saw but wouldn't acknowledge it. Her stomach felt smaller than it had this morning. "Ryan?"

"Y/N, the bullet hit the placenta. There was nothing they could do." Ryan didn't know how he manages to get the words out between sobs. You shooked your head furiously.

"No Ryan." You said firmly. "Don't you dare tell me that! Where is my daughter?" Your voice became louder with every word. Your tone was a mixture of anger and denial. Ryan tried to reach you but you backed away from his touch.  

"Y/N." Ryan began. "Your daughter is gone."

You sat there, numb. Ryan tried to wrap his arms around you but you shoved him away.

"No, she's not Ryan! If she's not here, then she must be in the NICU! I was past twenty weeks. She could have survived!" Your voice was in denial. "Where is she, Ryan? I wanna see my baby. Call the NICU, have them bring her here." You said. Ryan pulled you into a hug you tried to get out of his grip.

"Y/N look at me." You refused to make eye contact. "Look at me." He repeated. "Please." He whispered. That got your attention, you looked at him. "Your daughter is dead." Ryan hated being so harsh to you but that was the only way to get it through her. Ryan's words seemed to work, you understood and believed him. You didn't scream, you didn't shove him away. Instead, your eyes flooded. Your sobs were silent as your body quivered.

"Where's Draco?"

Ryan looked down and avoided her gaze.

"Where's Draco?" You asked again, Ryan looked at her and sighed. "Is he ok? Does he know about the loss of our baby?"

"They took him, the rivals have Draco. We believe Israel has been helping the rivals and he told them about you and Draco, and possibly about the baby but we don't know why he did that. We will find Draco." Ryan assured. You looked down, you lost your baby and your boyfriend was missing.

"What if they kill him? If they do I will never forgive myself." You whimpered. Ryan hugged you and they both cried.


"Wake up." Draco snapped open his eyes and looked around to see he was in a room. He looked up to see an older man.

"Who are you?" Draco asked, the older man looked at the blonde with a smirk on his face.

"Draco Malfoy, it's a pleasure to meet you," Alan said. He lit up a cigarette and let out a puff.

"What do you want from me?" Draco asked in fear. Alan chuckled and walked around the room.

"I'm Alan...You don't know me but you might know someone." Alan walked out of the room. "Israel."

Israel appeared in the room with a small smirk. "Hello, Draco." Draco gasped and looked at Israel.

"Israel? You're not dead? Why did you fake your death?" Draco whispered, in utter shock. "We trusted you! Y/N gave you a shelter for you to sleep in!"

"But she took one thing that meant to me!" Israel looked at Draco, with hatred in his eyes. "She took away my brother! She has to pay what she did with my family!"

"Brother?" Draco asked causing Israel to smirk.

"Ryder is my brother," Israel said. "And Alan is my father."

"Why with me?" Draco asked, he began thinking about Y/N and remembering her screams. Was she ok? Was their baby ok? He wanted answers.

"Because I know she loves you so much that it would hurt her when she finds you are gone," Israel replied. "Ryder didn't deserve to die."

"Please, let me go. Your brother betrayed her! It wasn't my fault. Your brother made that choice to betray her!" Draco shouted. Israel punched Draco in the stomach, Draco let out a cry of pain.

"I will torture you until your last breath." Israel snarled.

Draco barely got time to comprehend what was happening before a striking pain shot through his back as the metal bar made contact with him. Draco let out a small cry as he fell to his knees, shaking from both pain and fear. He looked up at him in a silent plea for him to stop, only to see him aim a kick at Draco. Knowing that the blonde wouldn't be fast enough to get away in this condition Draco shielded his face behind his arms and prepared himself for the blow. It came fast and strong, knocking him over. He didn't dare to move, hoping that he'd stop now that he was lying on the floor, but he just started to kick even more.

Draco curled up into a small ball trying the best he could to protect himself. He groaned in pain every time he kicked him. The feeling of such helplessness was something that he'd never experienced before and it scared the hell out of Draco. He had no control of what was going on, for all he knew he might as well kill him.

The beating felt as if it lasted an eternity, but in reality, it probably didn't last more than half a minute. Draco could hear Israel panting slightly as he finally stopped, his whole body aching. Not daring to do anything that might provoke him he kept as still as he possibly could. It wasn't an easy task as his body shook uncontrollably and he struggled just to breathe normally.

The tears burned behind his eyelids but Draco forced them back as he kept his eyes closed trying the best he could to ignore the pain that was pulsing through his body. Israel started to pace back and forth next to Draco and he silently prayed that he would leave Draco alone.

Draco felt a couple of rough hands wrap themselves around his wrists, pulling his arms away from his face.  A pair of blue eyes looked straight into Draco's, as he kneeled beside him.  "All the pain you've caused." He said bitterly. "I'm gonna make sure you'll pay it all back." He let go of Draco before standing up. When he was just about to leave through the door he turned to Draco one last time. "You must be wondering what happened to Y/N."

Draco nodded frantically, Israel chuckled he had sent one of his men to the hospital where Y/N is and he was informed about the news about the baby and her.

"She lost the baby, your daughter is dead." Israel laughed. Draco's blood boils and ran up to Israel, he wanted to kill him. They were the ones who shot at the place they were at, he was the person who caused Y/N to lose their baby girl. Draco wanted to comfort you and grieved the loss of their baby.

Draco felt something whack him in the back of his head, causing him to blackout. Israel walked towards Draco and kicked his stomach.

"Let's see how Y/N will feel when she finds you dead."


A/N: Draco found out that Ryder is Isreal's brother and Y/N lost her baby. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and share this story with other people!

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