We ate breakfast outside on his patio that looked out over the city and mountains. He told me he had to get documents ready to send back home then work on our travel arrangements.

"I can take the week off. My boss said her son is home from college for the break so he'll take my shifts." I scooped the last of the oatmeal from the bottom of the bowl.

"You will love my home. Maybe a week is not enough? Perhaps you will stay longer." He sipped his coffee and looked out over the view.

"I can't miss too much. They'll replace me quickly. Lots of people need jobs. My aunt said I either need to work or go to school. My parents' life insurance is in a trust until I'm 21 unless I go to school, and it's not really a big amount anyways. I like my job and Wes works there. I don't want to lose it," I explained.

"You can open your own muffin store in my country! You know how to make them, I help you get set up. You will build empire and be very wealthy!" Tareq joked.

"Yeah, right! Like I can just open my own shop! Muffin Manor is legendary! Eloise Benson opened her shop after her husband died in Vietnam leaving her with two small children and 500 dollars! She has served muffins to every President since Carter and was invited to Buckingham Palace to make muffins with The Queen! She has stores in ELEVEN states plus Guam! If I open up some knock-off muffin store, she will hunt me down and crush me into the ground!" I echoed all the talking points from the training video I'd watched on my first day.

"She sounds very dangerous... maybe you make danishes instead!" Tareq laughed.

"You think taking on Big Danish is easier? They have their own country! The Danes are known for their assassin skills. You are trying to get me killed." I shot back.

"I'm serious though, Dylan. I can see my life with you. A life beyond muffins. You are too young to worry about work and school. But maybe you will see that when you come to my home." Tareq dropped the smile. "You will be happy in my home. This is discussion we have later, yes? I know you are the one."

We finished our breakfast and then he got dressed for work and took me home.

"I will pick you up after work. You close at 7?" He asked when he pulled into my driveway and stopped.

"I do. But I can take the bus. It's not far, like three stops. We can meet up later and hang out.." I assured him. He was being too nice and I didn't want him seeing me all messy after a long shift.

"I will be there to collect you at closing time. It is dark by 7 and I don't like you riding a bus at night. Is not safe for a gentle boy. I will be there. You count with me." He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss.

After work he drove me home and talked to my aunt about our trip. She'd made a big dinner so Tareq stayed and ate with us. He and Jared bonded over sports and car talk. My family approved of him. My family liked him.


The rest of the week went by so quickly. Tareq started taking me to and from work. I didn't ride the bus anymore. We hung out every night, but he didn't do more than kiss me.

He took us all out to dinner one last time the night before we were to leave for Satra. We went to the fancy restaurant up on the hill where aunt Hilda said her husband had proposed to her. Tareq gave her phone numbers where I could be reached if she needed to contact me. He was so responsible.

The next morning he showed up early with a box of donuts for everyone. I was packed and ready. I hugged my aunt and cousin then went to say goodbye to Wes. He was jealous of my week off, but I promised to bring him a nice souvenir. And that was that.

Breeding DylanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ