=CH 43= Not The End

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I open my optics to find I'm in some light blue liquid. I saw the starsaber's blur stuck in a high place. I push myself over to the edge and climb out. The liquid ran down my body and back into the pool or onto the ledge that I grabbed. It was painful as anything to get out of the liquid but I manage to. I then watch Megatron lift his blade above his head to end someone beneath him. "Megatron!!!" I yell at him. He stops and turns and I remove my blade from my back before shoving it through him. His blood splattered on my yellow blade. "I may not know all you've done, but you did some horrible things.... I know that." He takes his blade and shoves it through the same spot I did him except it didn't hurt. My body hurt but it never calmed or worsened. It was at a stable level. I push the sword further into him and he then gets to his edge and gives out, dying to the sword inside him. He lets go of my saber and his own, then falls back, off the ledge. I then fall to my knees, recovering from the pain. Bee comes over and helps Prime up.

Optimus then looks at me and tries to run to me but his scout stopped him. Prime pushed him away anyways and got over to me. I turn to him while sitting back on my feet. He was horrified. He retracts his mask to show his emotion while talking but he couldn't. Not while I looked like this. My own mask retracts and I try to stand but my foot gave out and I fell onto my side. Optimus brings his foot from under him and lays his right out in front of him with his left arched on its side. He lets me lay against him as I recovered. We were silent for the whole time. The autobots came down and Ratchet went to remove the blade but stopped.

Smokescreen was worrying about me while on the verge of tears "What are you doing, doc! Fix him!" The wreckers soon join up and question on why Ratchet wasn't attending to the injury. He just stared in confusion at me. "Nemesis..... you should have shut down already." He finally says. I look down at my chassis seeing the sword still half way through me. I was breathing normally too. My pain calmed and I soon wasn't able to feel it anymore. I bring my arm up and start hitting my own arm to soon realize that I could no longer feel any pain what so ever. "I.... Can't feel any affliction." I say. I try to sit up but Prime keeps me down. Ratchet scans me and was severely astound. "What is it?" Asks Wheeljack. The medic concludes "Nemesis has no trauma to his spark. Only his arm and leg accuators are in need of repair." He then steps forward and carefully removes the blade, pushing it aside afterwards.

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